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"Here we are."

Hongjoong glances at his members fiddling with their souvenirs from a gift shop they bought. Mingi is sulking after Wooyoung refuses to share his jar of mini cookies, San is busy showing off his new plushies, Yunho is blowing his bubbles with Jongho that soon ran out after they accidentally dropped it, Yeosang is admiring his matching sparkly T-shirts with Seonghwa. The boys are making their way to the Ferris Wheel after dinner.

"The cart can fit four people at once." Seonghwa reads out from a notice.

"Who wants to be with me and who wants to be with Seonghwa?" Hongjoong raises his hand. "Don't bias him."

The 99-liners plus Jongho laugh at their leader. "Hongjoong hyung, Yunho, San and Wooyoung, one cart. Seonghwa hyung, Yeosang, Mingi and me for the other." Jongho sorts out according to their name sequence.

"We want Seonghwa to come with us!" Woosan makes a complaint, ignoring the death stare Hongjoong gives. "Yunho, can you swap with Seonghwa?"

The mentioned boy raises his brows and nods. Wooyoung and San share a high five as Seonghwa joins them. Their group is the first to go after their tickets are scanned.

Jongho lends his hand for Yeosang to climb in after Yunho and Mingi settle inside. The door closes and the Ferris Wheel slowly begins to rotate counterclockwise. Watching the scenery of the illuminating theme park from above, Yeosang senses Yunho's mesmerizing gaze capturing his attention. Jongho and Mingi are in a middle of a hype conversation.

"My parents wouldn't think of bringing me to places like this." Yunho breaks the silence. Yeosang looks at him strangely. "Ever since I returned from England I don't feel like a priority to them anymore."

Yunho is like a gem to his parents, they'd do anything to make him happy. Yeosang thinks to himself. "Why would you say so?"

"Well, they now have bigger jobs with loaded wage and chase after luxury compared to then. I understand how hard their life was before we moved back. Dad's always packed with debts and mom didn't like being a housewife. Furthermore, I was their biggest problem."


"My parents spent most of their money on me. I wasn't a fortunate kid, you see. There used to be this one kid who hated my guts and I still have no idea why." Yunho giggles to himself. Yeosang's stomach churns. "My shirts, books and stuff for school, he likes to ruin them with every chance he had. Not to mention the countless times he would beat me up till my parents started to get used of seeing my bruises. They were horrid."

"Didn't your parents do anything about it?"

"Of course they did. To no avail, sadly. The boy's family was respected by the school thus we could do nothing about it." Yunho exhales a deep sigh. "As soon as my dad finishes his study, we immediately rush home knowing that there's no way we could live there any longer. I didn't make it into high school."

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