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Tss... Tss...

Frowning his brows, the bothersome pain throbbing at the lower part of his body draws Yeosang away from cooking the eggs properly. It was abnormally hard for him to have a good sleep that night because the soreness couldn't die down one bit no matter how hard he tried to position himself on the bed and it lasted for so long that Yeosang had to wake up early in the morning to take some painkillers and do some stretches.

The continuous ache hits him like a truck, making his knees wobble that he has to lean one palm on the counter for balance.

Whatever made him so mad last night... I felt like I was going to die.

After a minute or two, Yeosang takes a plate and gently slides the egg onto it with a spatula prior to serving it with the other breakfasts on the table. He hears slow footsteps walk in and dozy Yunho appears with his messy bed hair in the nick of time.

"You're up," Yeosang says to him while walking to the counter to make some hot tea. "The neighbours knocked this morning. I told them I've been home alone and it terrified the heck out of them."

"You must never assume resided apartments are vacant of phantoms," Yunho chuckles with one eye open, still snoozy. "I thought we were gonna stay in bed cuddling together till the afternoon."

"I had to dry clean your clothes so you could take them home with you later. My mum is coming home in a few hours and..." Yeosang sets the teacups on the table, staring at his nodding boyfriend curiously. "Just out of curiosity, did I say or do something that pissed you off last night?"

Yunho mirrors the inquisitive look on Yeosang's face at the weird question. "I don't think so. Why are you asking that?"

Observing the diversion of eye contact from the quiet latter as a sign, sanity knocks back into him as Yunho grasps that whatever he's guessing might be right.

"I went too far again, didn't I?" He asks softly, standing up to embrace his distant partner who shakes his head intending to also shake the unnecessary issue off. "Where does it hurt? Tell me, angel."

Yunho carefully touches and caresses several parts of Yeosang's body that might've been in some serious amount of pain; his lower abdomen, his thighs, his hips. Flattered by the tender contact, Yeosang holds Yunho's hands in his and glances up at him with a smile.

"I'm gonna be fine. You should eat."

Instead of obeying Yeosang's words, Yunho suddenly gets down on his knees in front of the younger and folds the hem of Yeosang's shirt upwards, connecting his lips to Yeosang's bare stomach to plant soft kisses against the warm skin. Yeosang sighs heavily, enjoying the ticklish touch. Yunho hugs Yeosang by the waist again and presses his forehead on Yeosang's belly, apologizing.

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