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"Hey, you got in touch with Sangie lately?" Pats Choi San on Mingi's arm who's in the middle of sipping from the school's drinking fountain. Startled by the pat, Mingi raises his head from the faucet and wipes his sleeve over his mouth.

"Why did you ask me about Yeosang?"

"I don't know if you noticed, but he clearly didn't come to school today and being absent is very unusual of him. I'm worried if Yeosangie got sick and no one's there to look after him."

Mingi quirks his eyebrows at his friend who doesn't seem to catch up with the situation. "Did you even read the group chat?"

"You kicked me out last Friday because I couldn't get you the right order for McDonald's, remember?!" San jumps down Mingi's throat, free of unreasonable guilt. "Now I missed the whole thing. So, what happened? Does this have something to do with Yunho's bad mood too?"

Mingi pulled San closer so he could die his voice down into a whisper in case anyone might overhear. "They broke up."


"SHH!" Mingi smacks him lightly, glancing around again. "No one's supposed to know about this or else Yunho's reputation is gonna tear apart. What happened was, Yunho found out the truth of who Yeosang really is and what he's done so he stormed off on him, ending their relationship just like that. Let me give you a heads up, do you remember the boy Yunho told us about who used to beat him into shreds when he was just a little kid?"

"That Logan dude? Man, I hate his guts."

"Yeah well..."

Because the telepathy between the two has always been easy to connect, San immediately interprets the signal on Mingi's face. He shakes his head in denial as an image of Yeosang flashes into his mind. "There's no way. Yeosang is not that type of guy, he wouldn't do such a thing."

"San, don't you see it? We were all shocked when we found out Yeosang had the same ring as the one Yunho lost. You could see the hatred in his eyes whenever he looked Yunho's way the first time he came to this school. Yeosang came back to finish what he started. That's why he let Yunho drool his poor heart all over him so he could standby for the right time to break that heart. Yeosang was never sincere."

"I can't believe this."

"Neither did I, at first. But Yunho's been our best friend for a long time, whose side would you rather be on?"

"It's not right to side with anyone. It might be unfair for the both of them."

"I don't know about you, San. The devil always uses an angel as a disguise as his favourite scheme." Mingi is just as devastated, but he could never imagine how it feels to be in his best friend's shoes right now. "Promise not to say a word about this to Yunho or anyone else other than our friend group. If the school knows..."

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