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People treated the accident that occurred on Yunho as if he joined the World War. When he returns to school with a dangling arm and a pair of crutches, kids surround him from all directions asking him if he's okay or if he needs help walking, or how it was like being thrown off a motorcycle. Mingi, being the tallest and hence firmest bodyguard he is, shoves the invasive paparazzi out of the way so Yunho can walk to class in peace.

Every day for the rest of the week, Yunho's locker would burst open as piles of flowers, chocolates and even fruit baskets with get-well-soon cards on them fell over. Every recess, girls would line up to sign the casts on his arm and leg, leaving heart doodles and phone numbers patterned all over. He couldn't have believed it himself, but Yunho became the biggest talk of the school since the news first broke out.

This came to Yeosang's attention only after his boyfriend came back. Yunho is encircled by so many people that talking to him in person alone would be impossible. Yeosang could see all those girls crowd around Yunho and still feel uneasy about the situation no matter how much he convinced himself that Yunho belonged to him only.

But all he could do was watch them from afar behind the door of his locker, quietly. Until his undercover observation is deflected by a familiar female voice coming from behind,

"You're Kang Yeosang, right?"

Mia stands in front of him with one hand clutching her hip and the other holding a file with a pink piece of card on top of it.

"Huh? Yeah?" Yeosang answers as he closes his locker. The girl lends him the card and he takes it from her, reading the sparkly word stickers pasted on the cover.


"You're the only one who hasn't signed Jeong Yunho's get well soon card."

The guy unconsciously scoffs, flicking the cover open and checking the card out front and back. He receives a pink felt tip pen from her and starts signing the card. "As if scribbling on his casts and turning it into graffiti wasn't enough..."

"Seems like you couldn't care less." Mia hugs her file to her chest as she waits for him. "You know, if only Yunho got into that bike accident the same time I got hit by that truck, we could've sat on the benches together and maybe, you wouldn't have to brag about your P.E. carry marks because you got paired up with a real athlete."

Pausing at the words in disbelief, Yeosang looks up at the girl with a small grin forming at the corner of his mouth. "What did you say?"

Mia shrugs innocently. "Everyone knows me and Yunho make the best dodgeball pair since first year, till you jumped into the frame."

"You deserve that accident, Yunho didn't. So firstly, don't speak about him that way." Yeosang talks back as he lowers the card, towering over the shrunken girl. "Secondly, you may think you're all that, but in reality you're just a single, sad and outdated girl, Mia. Why don't you go find something rather useful to smear off the miserable look on your face before you butt into other people's lives? And thirdly, I play dodgeball better than Yunho. His grades shoot up because of me."

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