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"See ya next Saturday, hyung." The boys spare each other a friendly fist bump.

"See ya." Yeosang waves at Jongho. After handing the keys to the person working for night shift, Yeosang joins Ryung and her friends outside the hall. Her friends start to fangirl over his striking appearance.

"Is this the kid you were talking about?"

"Ryung-ah, he's so handsome!"

"It's impossible if he's single."

"Too bad this hottie is younger than me."

Seeing Yeosang struggle to hide his face out of shyness, Ryung wraps her arm over his shoulder gently to hype him up.

"This is Kang Yeosang, he works at the drink stall with Jongho. Yes, Yeosang is very very gorgeous." Truth be told, Yeosang isn't used to be complimented about his looks, his relatives only admire him for his clever performance and diligence. He rarely faces the mirror to the point where he sometimes forgot how he looks like.

"Are you going home by bus?" Just one question and the girls are smitten by Yeosang's deep voice.

Ryung hushes the girls, laughing. "I'm going shopping with my friends. Would you like to come along?"

"Uh, I..." The male peers around the mall, glancing at numerous branded stores. "I don't shop. Maybe I can just accompany you. Besides, I don't wanna use up my cash."

"Do you want us to treat you?" One of Ryung's friends offers.

"No, thanks. Don't worry about it." Yeosang sincerely declines with a smile.

Ryung doubts his denial but assumes he's just not in the mood. She pats his back twice and points to her favourite outlet. Rather than chasing for the store like the others, Yeosang remains behind the group to have a look at the mannequin displayed behind the glass.

"Shut the fuck up, Karen, I saved up three months of my hamburger money just for these jeans!"

"For how many times do I have to remind you the jeans are specifically made for women!"

"Cut the crap lady! I'm buying it no matter what! Choi San, come with me!"


Yeosang stares at the fussy boy dragging his friend with pink hair into the outlet. They must've come to watch the bowling championship, Yunho was there probably because of the game too.

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Yeosang decides to enter the outlet and find anything easy on the eye. He strolls deeper into the aisles of shirts leading towards the centre of the men's area, the place where the racks are filled with underwears and boxers. Although Yeosang is keen to buy some, since his undergarments will run out the more he grows. Yeosang lowers his timid head while running his hands over the packets of boxers.

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