Missing Yunho

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"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The words Yeosang wanted to say are stuck inside his throat. He's unable to deliver any acceptable excuse he has for being in Yunho's ward without any of his parent's notice or permission. Mrs Jeong waits there, arms crossed, tapping her foot. Yeosang figures out a spontaneous answer and blurts them out.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault I came here without any notice."

"Clearly." She utters. "What's your name? Are you a friend of Yunho's? Because I heard from the nurse that there's a person here who claims to be his brother, but I can't remember the last time Yunho has a sibling despite being his one and only mother. Unless you're lying, of course."

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"I'm Kang Yeosang. Yunho's friend."

Mrs Jeong's serious stare vanishes in a blink of an eye. "Finally. I have been waiting for the day I see you."

"S-Sorry?" This is bad.

She steps in and closes the door. "Yunho has told me a lot about you, Yeosang."

"He... Did?"

"Yes. He invited you over to our house once, didn't he? I asked him to bring you to meet us, his parents, but he was always so dismissive about it. I've met every one of his friends except you which I somehow find a bit strange. Because ever since your name first popped out of my son's mouth in our dinner conversations, he has been mentioning you nonstop. And from those stories I heard, you sound like a fine, fine young boy. I suppose I have to agree with him this time."

Yeosang is taken by surprise. She doesn't notice him at all. Nonetheless, she received only good stories about him. A small smile forms at the corners of his lips.

Yunho talks to his parents about me.

"I'm very much flattered, Mrs Jeong. Yunho is an amazing friend too. And I'll be looking forward to his recovery."

Mrs Jeong nods. "Well then. I appreciate that you came all the way here at night to take care of my unconscious son but now that I'm here, you're free to go home. I'm gonna be looking after Yunho from now on. Thank you for your kindness, Kang Yeosang."

Like an attached string, Yeosang did not want to leave Yunho at all and is willing to stay by his side as long as it takes. But if he insists, it might make the room a little crowded and change Mrs Jeong's impression of him. There was nothing else he could do but to leave.

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