I Hate You

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Days went by but things never get any better. Yeosang has been going through a chain of awful bullying events by a bunch of random kids in his grade he hardly even knows.

His gym clothes were torn, one of his school shoes was snatched and his homework went missing which had him standing outside the classroom the entire period. At one time, he got himself locked inside the equipment room because the jocks tricked him into fetching the cones and bringing them to the field. He was able to climb through an open window but it made him jump from a high distance and so he went home with a bruised knee.

During P.E., Yeosang was left sitting on the benches alone ever since Yunho started pairing up with Mia again. At lunch, he couldn't find a good spot to eat and he started skipping meals. Despite all this, Yeosang still managed to keep his studies on track. Teachers were his only best friends.

Getting his stuff spoiled, being picked on and unlucky occasions befalling him; they were all consistent with the things Yeosang once did to Yunho. The only thing that made Yeosang doubt that guy for being the cause of all this was that Yunho had never been at the scene where Yeosang was bullied. In fact, he wonders if Yunho is even aware of the abuse he's receiving considering that Yunho has been ignoring Yeosang every time they see or walk past each other.

Yunho's silent treatment made it harder for Yeosang to figure out a way to win back his love, other than his drone. He had been hoping for the school carnival to arrive quickly and to his surprise, time flew faster than usual.

Before Yeosang leaves for school, he writes a note on a very small piece of paper and tucks it in one of the gaps of his drone, visible but hidden. The idea is at the end of the day, he will fly the drone to the back of the school where Yunho is going to be waiting alone for his friends on his bike then Yunho will find that slip and read it, which Yeosang will then come out from a corner and go to him. All Yeosang needs to do to make this plan work is to ensure that Yunho is alone.

Even if things take a turn for the worse, there's nothing he can do but to accept that. But for now, he has a heart to win.

"Have fun, son!"

"Will do, dad!" Yeosang waves at his parents after breakfast and runs out with the huge bag containing his favourite drone dangling on his shoulder.

As soon as he shows up at his school filled with a huge crowd of families and outsiders, Yeosang hurries to the teacher's room to meet Miss Jeon. She provides him with a set of instructions on how he's going to be handling his drone for the day.

"Now here's the camera for you to attach to your drone where it will film the carnival's view from above for the school's montage." Miss Jeon explains to him while holding the tiny device in her hand. "Please secure the camera properly so it doesn't fall off. Return it to me after 5 pm."

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