Angel's Kiss

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The sky appears overcast with very little glow of the sunrise. Yeosang had chosen to take the dark lane leading to the back of the school instead of the open road after dropping off the bus. Based on the weather forecast he saw on the TV that morning, it wasn't gonna be a pleasant Monday. He's already shivering due to the cold breeze as a start to a light drizzle, he'd brought a sweater along too.


Yeosang spins to see Jongho and Aisha running across the road together. They join him and walk by his side seeing that Yeosang is on his own. It's a shame that they aren't studying in the same school, Jongho and Aisha are fun to be with at most times, especially since Aisha had started working with them at the drink stall. He's glad Jongho is able to get along with her nonetheless.

"Good morning!" Jongho chimes with energy.

"Morning." Yeosang flashes a kind smile as Jongho hugs him with one arm. He glances at the fluffy bun on Jongho's hand. "Doesn't the bakery open at 8?"

"Mom's doing an early preparation for her new pastry recipe. She treated us breakfast before we leave." Aisha explains while digging in her bag for something. "Here. In case you're still hungry."

Yeosang accepts his favourite cupcake from her happily. "Thanks."

"How was the party?" Jongho suddenly asks, almost making Yeosang jolt out of his skin.

"Party?" Yeosang could feel a bead of sweat run down his forehead. "Oh. It was... Fun."

"Fun? Did you drink?" Jongho goes on. "How does an alcohol taste like? Describe it to me I have never known how it tastes like cause I'm a minor. Is it sweet? Is it bitter?"

"Yeah, it does have a slight sweetness behind all the bitter taste-"

"How drunk did you get?" Aisha asks him with a naughty smirk.

"I had a pretty rough hangover."

"Did you sleep with anyone-"

"Yoorim!" Jongho nudges her harshly because of the inappropriate questions she asked. "Stop being so immature, you nasty perv."

"Am not."

"Now see what you've done? You made Yeosang hyung blush- uh hyung?"

Realistically, he is.

Yeosang couldn't handle the uncontrollable redness across his cheeks so he tries to distract himself by munching on the cupcake, but hearing Jongho and Aisha quarrel only made him think more about that insane night. He also starts to realize that he would have to meet Yunho again at school and pretend like nothing happened.

Jongho moves to the front to block Yeosang from walking and grabs his shoulders, pressing the back of his palm against Yeosang's forehead. The maknae gasps. "Are you having a fever, hyung?"

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