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"Why didn't you tell him? You can't be that big of a dummy, can you?"

Jongho's sudden raise in his voice startles Yeosang from munching his chicken strips. The boys are currently eating out at a restaurant near the bowling alley after shift, exchanging tales they had throughout the week, as of the first tea Yeosang spilt was Yunho's birthday party a day before.

"Tell him what?"

"About how your relationship was with him the last ten years? Rather than keeping up this friendship, it's better to let him know before things get any worse. You and Yunho, incompatible!" Jongho crosses his arms.

"I can't do that." Yeosang shakes his head.


"You don't get it, Jongho! I need him for life survival purposes. Yunho has a strong bond with his friends I'm good with. If I tell him now, he's gonna influence them to stay away from me and the whole school will turn their backs on me. Mom has nowhere else to move. All I want is to graduate and leave to find my own job and provide us with a decent life." Yeosang explains long and clear.

The younger's eyes soften, a sigh leaving his lips. "Are you that much in need?"

Yeosang nods and points a finger at Jongho to threaten him. "I swear to God, Jongho, don't you even begin to think of disturbing the relationship between Yunho and I, or else."

Together with a mild rush of thoughts clashing into his reluctant instincts, Jongho presses his temple and calls the waiter for the bills. "Sorry, hyung, I just feel like the connection between the both of you doesn't sit right with me. For now, I'll keep my head down and be as clueless as possible. But whatever happens in the next one year and a half, I won't hesitate to speak out for you."

Discomfort presses against the pit of Yeosang's stomach. Jongho takes a good look at him.

"You're getting quieter, Logan."

Yeosang lifts a brow. "I always am." His response gets a head shake from Jongho. "Stop comparing me with my past."

"You know how it astonishes an old friend when they notice how much you've changed. You couldn't go through one day without babbling, no wonder Yunho didn't wanna leave your side."

"Since when? I humiliated him." Yeosang tilts his head in surprise.

Jongho rolls his eyes. "Since you didn't want Yunho to go anywhere else without him. That was all before you hated Yunho. And nobody knew why."

"I don't understand-"

Jongho stands and excuses himself to pay for their meal. Their previous conversation creates a heavy lump in Yeosang's throat, the urge to throw up coming in. He folds his arms on the table and stuffs his head against the fabric of his sleeve. It took a moment to bear the sickness when a small tap wakes him up. Yeosang's cranes his head up only to find a familiar girl standing above him. Her right hand points to somewhere below him.

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