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Bzzt... Bzzt...

Stirring comfortably in his beauty slumber, a message tone vibrated by Yeosang's phone from a distance startles him suddenly. The sunrise glow kisses his bare face through the blinds. The phone buzzes again, making Yeosang shift slowly under the sheets and winces at the soreness of his bum. He tries to rise from the bed not until he feels a pair of huge arms restraining his waist. That's when Yeosang snaps into his fresh senses.

"Mmmh Yunho faster..."

"Stay quiet, baby shh..."

Yeosang's breath hitches. He cups his mouth and chokes back the strong urge to cry. Behind him, he hears Yunho snore softly in his sleep, lips brushing against Yeosang's naked skin. Yeosang is trapped in the elder's warm embrace, stunned and motionless.

What the fuck did he do to me?

Peering over at Yunho, Yeosang becomes watchful of his movements as he escapes his arms and replaces the emptiness of Yunho's hold with a pillow. Once he succeeds, Yeosang limps out of bed to pick up his clothes scattered all over the floor and throws them on. He keeps an eye on sleeping Yunho while grabbing his phone and shoes. Gazing at him feels like an eternity, pink puffy cheeks and a little pout, Yeosang is dreadfully captivated. He accomplishes his attempt to escape and rush out the door using his wobbly legs.

"Oh shit." Yeosang gapes at his phone to see dozens of missed calls from his mom. "I told her nothing about staying over- Ah! Easy on the ass, Yeosang, geez."

He skips up to Woojong's motel room and rings the doorbell, impatiently waiting. A few tries later, the door opens and Wooyoung reveals himself with his messy bed hair and squinting eyes. "Morning, Woo."

"Morning, Yeo." Wooyoung yawns, extending and stretching his limbs behind his head. "What brings you here?"

"I wanna go home with Jongho. Is he awake?"

"Yeah, he woke up an hour ago. Why didn't you ask Yunho for a ride home?" Wooyoung replies after yelling for Jongho. Yeosang instantly shakes his head. "Did you guys get into a fight last night- Wait, no need to answer. Your neck explains everything."

"Neck?" Yeosang frowns and touches his skin. He hisses at the sensitive bruises and his face flushes red. "Yo- Woo, I'm fucked."

"Yeah, I know," Wooyoung smirks at the way Yeosang hurries to cover them up. He quickly offers his friend a powder to conceal the marks before Jongho appears at the door. Yeosang and Jongho bid Wooyoung goodbye and make their way to the train station.


"Where were you?"

Yeosang looks down to the floor like the obedient son he is. "We stayed up at the theme park till midnight, so we decided to rent a motel nearby," He explains.

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