Chapter 1: The Meeting

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3rd POV:

Izuku Midoriya was your average 8 years old child in all sense but one thing was different for him that wasn't different for everyone else. Izuku Midoriya was quirkless unlike everyone else and that made him different from everyone else so much even though it should have been a minor detail in this world but it wasn't. As such, at the age of four when he was declared quirkless, he was told he was worthless by everyone and started to receive ill-treatment from everyone around him. Even Inko Midoriya who was his mother that was meant to love him started to treat him more and more like glass but that was fine in Izuku's mind since she didn't physically harm him. Izuku could vividly remember the day he was declared quirkless where the doctor told him his dreams were never going to happen but that wasn't the worst part of that day. No, the worst part of that day was when his mother walked into his room and just apologized to him when he needed words of encouragement instead of denial!

However, fate seems to work in wonderful ways as Izuku Midoriya was walking through a city he was in one day than he normally wasn't in. The reason he was there was because his school was on a short break for the week and his mother had taken him with her to work during that week since she didn't want a babysitter to take care of him which Izuku had some idea on why since he was quirkless and most people didn't treat him like a human at all. However, this decision would lead to many changes going on in this world as it was the fateful day that the number one pro hero would engage in battle against a very powerful villain known as All For One. Their battle started and shook the entire city as sirens were going off as people were evacuating. Izuku though ran deeper into the city to try and find his mother and 30 minutes later he found someone else instead.

The person he found was none other than All Might himself but something was wrong as Izuku ran up to the man, he could see All Might covered in blood. "All Might! Are you okay!?" Izuku asked as he tried to wake the man up. Then he heard a groan from the man as he woke up. "What... who are you?" He asked and Izuku told him his name and explained that he found him in an alley as the sirens were going off. All Might looked at his body and realized how bad his wounds were. 'Shit... I am not going to survive this am I?' He thought as he looked at the boy who was afraid but yet had eyes of determination as he was trying to help All Might survive. 'This boy...  he reminds me of myself and my master...' All Might thought as he leaned towards the boy and spoke up.

"Young man... what are your dreams for the future?" All Might asked and Izuku froze but got back to work on trying to stop the bleeding. "I... I want to be a hero even though everyone tells me I should just give up. I want to make a better society that doesn't treat people like me like trash, as worthless, as wastes of space... I want to save people with a smile on my face and make them feel that even if I am against great odds that I will do everything I can do even if it looks horrible.  That they can have hope for a better tomorrow!" Izuku said as he kept working on All Might wounds even though they were disturbing and huge. Izuku was thankful for all of the medical knowledge he learned to care for his own wounds due to everyone using their quirks on him. Though he didn't notice All Might's eyes widen when he heard this from the boy in front of him. 

"Oh... what is your quirk young man?" All Might asked and the next words that he heard from the boy in front of him made it feel as if fate determined this meeting to him. As he learned that Izuku Midoriya was quirkless yet he held so much determination. 'Is this fate master? To be given someone that I think is so much like me yet so much like you... a quirkless person just like me yet they hold so much determination and willpower to strive to do good in this quirked world. I wonder if I would have become a parent figure for him as you became for me but I won't be here... forgive me Izuku Midoriya...' All Might thought as he called out to the boy.

"Izuku... forgive me for this as I give you a blessing but also a curse. Hate me if you will or thank me if you will. The decision is yours but I can't let it die with me... You need to train your body up as much as you can before using it!" All Might said as he took some of his blood and placed it into Izuku Midoriya's mouth and made him swallow it. Izuku was freaked out and tried asking what he did but All Might told him to run and trust in the predecessors to help him in his darkest times. Izuku was confused until the city started to shake and All Might stood up and jumped away as Izuku could hear the battle start again. 'He's still fighting the villain but what did he mean a blessing but a curse!?' Izuku thought as he turned around and ran as far as he could. About 10 minutes later he found his mother who grabbed him and they ran for it as part of the city was destroyed.

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