Chapter 21: Roaring Calmness

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3rd POV:

It had been a few days since Izuku had watched the quirk apprehension test for 1-A and he had also gone and saw the same test that Vlad King did for 1-B. Though, his was without the expulsion threat that Eraserhead likes to do. Neither class called out the weirdness of a low mist/fog being on the training grounds when the weather wasn't calling for it nor did it seem natural. Izuku told both teachers that the students would really need a lesson in situational awareness as something so glaring as unnatural fog on a training ground without the correct weather conditions should have been questioned which both teachers agreed upon. Now, while all that happened, Izuku was currently sitting in a cat cafe.

Izuku had found this nice small cat cafe that was in one of the areas he typically patroled as it was between the more populated area and the more crime-infested areas which was a perfect spot for him to stop for a break on his patrols

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Izuku had found this nice small cat cafe that was in one of the areas he typically patroled as it was between the more populated area and the more crime-infested areas which was a perfect spot for him to stop for a break on his patrols. As Izuku was sitting in the room he heard the doorbell go off indicating someone walked in which was strange even though it was a 24/7 cat cafe as he typically was the only one that came around this time of night or rather a day. It was 3 AM after all since he normally did his night patrols on Saturdays and Sundays with daytime patrols the rest of the time unless something directly required him to change it.

As Izuku waited to see who entered he became shocked to see who it was as it was his adoptive brother Hitoshi Shinso or rather Hitoshi Aizawa now. "Does Dadzawa know your out this late?" Izuku asked which caused Hitoshi to freeze up when he heard the voice and turned to see who it was. "Um, yes?" Hitoshi said with earned a chuckle from Izuku as he spoke out, "That sounded like a question and not an answer. Just tell me the truth so I know. I'm not mad or going to rat you out to him as long as your not doing something dangerous which I don't consider coming here dangerous. I would recommend finding one closer to home instead of this far out though." Izuku said and Hitoshi was more relaxed as he didn't seem tense anymore. Hitoshi explained that this was the cat cafe he used to come to all of the time when he lived closer to this area which Izuku could understand.

"Let's make a deal, you only come to this one during my break so I can ensure your safety since you are really close to the high crime-infested area. I have my provisional license so I can legally defend myself and you. When I leave from my break then you have to return home and on all other days except Saturday and Sunday, you find one that is closer to the house. Deal?" Izuku asked and Hitoshi agreed. As they sat there enjoying the silence outside of the cats purring, Hitoshi decided to ask Izuku some questions.

"You know... even though you're my adoptive brother I don't know anything about you... would you mind telling me your actual name or hobbies?" Hitoshi asked which was a fair question since Izuku hardly is ever at Aizawa since he sees them at the school or on patrols. Izuku nodded his head and decided to offer some information up. "I will tell you but you can't go around talking about me since there is a Pro Hero that caused my entire situation which we can't lock up due to the secrets he knows. It would be troublesome for quite a few of us if he gave the information out as it would throw society into a mess. Understood?" Izuku asked Hitoshi who nodded his head. Izuku sighed as he straightened up more. 

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