Chapter 31: Summer Camp Pt 2. (Izuku & Kota)

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3rd POV:

Izuku quickly arrived back at the cave with Kota and sat down. "Here's some food Squirt," Izuku said and Kota looked at him when he said that nickname with an expression that more or less asked why the hell that was his nickname. "Your quirk is water gun so I am calling you Squirt since you squirt out water!" Izuku said with a cheeky grin which earned a blast of water from Kota's quirk. "Does it looked like I just squirt water out? It's more of a splash." Kota said as he took a bite of the food as Izuku just wiped his face to remove some of the water as he eyed Kota who had a grin on his face from blasting Izuku in the face with the water.

"Oh, so I should call you Splash then?" Izuku teased and Kota just groaned a bit at Izuku's horrible nicknames. "Anyway, I think you could turn your splashes into pressured water if you practiced enough or change how you shoot it out. Anyway, that can be in the future if you ever wanted to train your quirk or do something with it." Izuku muttered as he took a bite to eat and Kota decided to ask why Izuku became a hero since he had become curious about the sole person who openly agreed with his viewpoints and helped changed his understanding of his emotions about his parent's deaths. 

Don't get Kota wrong, he still hates most heroes, villains, and society but he feels better about why his parents died a bit which would slowly change over time but he also could now understand it wasn't good for him to hold so much anger. Overall it was a work in progress and Izuku was the one that kicked it off! As Izuku got asked this he went silent for a bit but nodded his head. "That's fair on why you want to know... if I tell you then you can't go repeating it since it does involve some crimes by other people that I don't want to deal with right now. So you okay with that?" Izuku asked and Kota nodded his head. 

"So... me wanting to be a hero has always been something I wanted to do since I could even think straight. I however was unlucky... do you know what being quirkless means Kota?" Izuku asked and Kota paused as he nodded his head slowly trying to understand what that had to do with this. Kota wasn't your typical 5 years old as he was a bit smarter than most kids which were just hidden under the anger and emotions he displayed to others. "I was declared quirkless at the age of four by a quirk doctor. As such, this started to shift my life in drastic measures." Izuku said and Kota nodded his head but couldn't fully grasp it since he could see that the person in front of him had a quirk since he had shown it several times now.

"How much do you know about the life of a quirkless person? I might censor a lot of things since most of it isn't things someone as  young as you should hear or think about." Izuku asked and Kota told Izuku what he knew which was base things that quirkless people were discriminated against heavier than others but that was it. Izuku nodded his head and moved on with his story. "Indeed, as a quirkless child, I was discriminated against which started out with small things and grew with time. Things from being bullied by the other children and teachers changing my grades or other things. I had a long file of fights and things I was blamed for because people didn't want to blame the quirked child but moving forward a few years to when I was 8 I had a run-in with All Might. Now, this was on a day of an incident that he was involved in which let say changed my world as 6 months later I activated a quirk in my body." Izuku said trying to hide One For All and some things that a child shouldn't know about.

"Now this quirk that no one believed I had until then came out and I had gotten it registered with the government and was training to control it. Sadly fate decided to screw with me as someone appeared in my home weeks later wanting to come after me due to something that had happened. This individual was Sir Nighteye the now-former sidekick of All Might who came after me due to his greed. I can't explain to you why he was after me since I can't talk about that but Sir Nighteye turned my own mother against me as he villainized me. As such, the emotional and mental abuse my mother had been doing since I was declared quirkless had now turned into physical abuse which forced me to run away since she was going to kick me out if I didn't agree to what Sir Nighteye wanted. As such, I ran away and spent years alone away from society in a deep forest. It was years later that All Might, Eraserhead, Nezu, Recovery Girl, Gran Torino and a police detective with a lie detector quirk all came to find me since they had discovered what my mother did since they didn't know due to Sir Nighteye covering it up. At this point, none of them knew of Sir Nighteye's crimes but later learned after talking to me. I ended up in the custody of Nezu and Eraserhead but I live in Nezu's home in UA's forest since I can't handle sleeping in a city that well. That's a summary of my life up to recent times as I became a provisional pro hero due to my strength and became All Might's protege." Izuku said and Kota nodded his head as he stared at Izuku wondering what fucking horrible luck did Izuku have to go through all of that.

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