Chapter 8: Years Passing

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3rd POV:

The morning sun was rising in the air and as you exit from the home in the forest, you could see the breath come off of one Izuku Midoriya as he was outside training as he has done every single day for the past four years since he had arrived in this hidden land. It has also been four years that have passed since he had escaped from his mother's home. Izuku came to a stop and moved to the edge of the house as he set down on the edge of the home. Izuku turned his head and looked at the river that was flowing on the other side of the home and he could see fish jumping out of the water every so often.

 Izuku turned his head and looked at the river that was flowing on the other side of the home and he could see fish jumping out of the water every so often

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The land had provided for Izuku ever since he had made the journey from his former home... no from his former shelter to his current home as the previous dwelling where he lived with his mother wasn't a home in reality and Izuku has long accepted this. Izuku was truly thankful for the past users always guiding him over the years. Especially when the quirk One For All evolved in a sense that even the past users didn't see coming until it happened.

Now you might be wondering what Izuku is talking about? Well, the past users and Izuku realized that Izuku had access to the previous user's quirks on top of One For All itself and they figured this out one day when Izuku activated the 7th's users quirk Float after he had fallen from a tree one day since it had rained the night before so the tree branch was slipper then Izuku accounted for. As such, when he was falling the feeling generated from Nana Shimura and Izuku at the same time resulted in Izuku unlocking her quirk, and right before he smacked the ground he was floating in the air. They were all shocked until the past users started to feel the differences in the quirk itself and noticed that the core of the quirk had grown from the last time they had looked at it which had been years since they had no reason to investigate the core until then.

As such, they theorized that the quirk had passed the point of quirk singularity which has resulted in it pushing the quirks from the other users out to a point that Izuku could activate them for himself. As such, it was theorized he had awakened them all but he needed to activate them himself. This had happened two and a half years after he had escaped from his old home and had arrived in the forest. As such, instead of working full time on One For All itself they had him slipt his time working on training the other quirks and activating them in the event that he needed them. It was also important to have them trained beforehand in the event they activated during an emergency because if they did that and he had zero training in controlling them then he would be a threat to other people which none of them wanted to happen.

As such, he started to train the past user's quirk of Float from 7th, Danger Sense from 4th, Black Whip from 5th,  Mist from 6th, Enhanced Reflexs from 3rd, and weapons master from 2nd. As there wasn't a quirk from the 8th or 1st user since All Might was quirkless as Izuku learned from Nana Shimura which was shocking to him and Izuku had questions on why he didn't do more for the quirkless people. Also, the first user's quirk was really One For All itself. 

Now, in regards to why All Might didn't do more, Nana explained that portion. "From all he knew the quirkless treatment was still similar to his own which was light physical bullying and mostly verbal. Quirkless people were not common but more common than your generation so he had put it outside of his mind on what treatment you received but I can tell you he knows now since he looked into your school and mother. She's been arrested roughly a few months ago so it took him about 2 years to get the information since the detective and he worked on it privately in their spare time." Nana Shimura said and Izuku nodded his head with a smile that All Might knew the truth about his mother. Izuku did ask if All Might learned the truth of Sir Nighteye's involvement and she shook her head and told him that they had split and Inko Midoriya didn't mention anything about Sir NIghteye since they didn't question her about it nor did she know All Might himself was involved. As such, it never came to light. Izuku without a doubt knew he was going to be alerting All Might of the truth of that incident since he refused to let Sir Nighteye get away without others knowing how he truly acted in private.

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