Chapter 29: Confrontation!

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3rd POV:

The Internships were over and time had moved onwards! Bakugo had stared at Izuku the day they all were back on campus with an unknown expression but Izuku figured it had to deal with the fact that Izuku was the protege of All Might who ha adjust announced his retirement. Bakugo always wanted to be the number one Pro Hero while overcoming All Might but that had just been ripped from him without warning. Now in his path was one Izuku Yagi aka Raiden who All Might publicly said was as stronger if not stronger than he was which had caused a lot of conversations in the media and on social media. Other people like Hitoshi just went with the flow of things as he just said, "Welp, if someone bullies me I can just call you to play wack-a-bully with them." He said one day when Izuku stopped at Aizawa's house. Izuku asked if he meant wack-a-mole but Hitoshi said he meant what he meant which left Izuku a bit stunned but just got a shrugged from him in the end.

In other news, It seems Sir Nighteye had decided to make a move towards Izuku. The reason Izuku said this was because after several weeks had passed and it was closing in closer and closer to the end of the semester, Mirio Togata aka LeMillon found Izuku in the teacher's office since it was now a common fact that he taught at UA since All Might had made it clear that Izuku was only a provisional still due to the need of hero training only since he already passed high school classes as Izuku was in college courses which was a nice fact that people walked about.

As such, it was easier for Mirio to actually locate Izuku since he knew Raiden would be located in the office at certain times of the day like most teachers. As such, LeMillon with the other two members of the big three were standing in the office having challenged Izuku to a fight which shocked the staff but also annoyed them because they all knew about what Sir Nighteye did. This meant they were all wondering if Sir Nighteye had sent Mirio to challenge Raiden or was it just Mirio's own wishes which even Izuku wondered about.

"Oh, did someone ask you to come to challenge me?" Izuku asked him straight away which confused Mirio who responded that his work-study mentor did suggest doing so but he already had the thoughts for a while but only geared up for it after a small push from Sir Nighteye. This confirmed everyone's theory that Sir Nighteye was now targeting Izuku once again. Izuku sighed and spoke, "No, I don't want to waste my time on a pissing contest (A competition between rivals to determine superiority, predominance, or leadership)." Izuku said and went back to his work as he was scheduled to help in 1-A's hero lesson as a sparring partner in a bit. As such, he just walked out the door leaving the big three and the staff stunned at his blunt refusal. 

However, Izuku wasn't in luck as it got closer to the end of the semester and the big 3 didn't seem like they were going to stop as every few days they would come back to challenge Raiden to a fight. It was getting so annoying that Izuku finally snapped and decided he would agree to it but decided to make it a bit of fun for him as such that is how Izuku found himself in Nezu's office. "So as you know the big 3 keeps trying to challenge me..." Izuku said and Nezu nodded his head as he had a guess on what Izuku was about to propose. "So the final exams for the semester are coming up. I know the first-years will have their finals which will be them against the staff but the third-years have a rescue operation that is for their test. I want the big 3's changed to fight me and if they lose they fail their exam." Izuku said with a smile on his face and Nezu only chuckled for a few moments then agreed with it. Nezu told Izuku it was time for the big 3 to learn their lesson which Izuku could only agree.

This was how the first-years, second-years, and third-years all from the heroic courses found themselves at the training ground with the fake city in it. They all wondered why they were there since they had their exams scheduled for the day but soon all of the staff came out and stood in front of them including Raiden. "Hello, students!" Nezu said with a cheer as he popped out of Eraserhead's scarf. "Now, the second and third-year students may wonder why they are here since your exams have been explained to you already! Well, the first-years will be fighting the staff as their exam with some restriction on staff to allow them a chance to pass while all of your exams are the same except for the big 3!" Nezu said with a smirk as everyone felt a cold shiver down their backs.

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