Chapter 4: Plan: On The Run!

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3rd POV:

Tuesday arrived and it was now several days since Izuku hadn't been to school though Izuku knew they wouldn't miss him. Izuku checked the entire house to make sure his mother was gone and at work before he started his plans. Izuku quickly moved to his room and grabbed his bags that he had already packed. In these bags were most of his clothing, his journal, spare journals, a few posts of All Might, his laptop, his phone, chargers, his school books, hygiene products, and some other random stuff. Izuku then took several empty bags and put all of the food that wouldn't go bad quickly in them while making a meal right away that he could eat out of the food in the fridge since he wanted a decent meal to have before he ran away. Izuku also heard a whisper in his mind that told him to steal any money from Inko that he could find which he ransacked her room and took the money he knew she stored under the bed which was about 550,000 yen which was about $5,000 USD. Izuku felt guilty stealing the money since that is what he was doing, stealing. However, the past users kept pushing thoughts to the front of his mind reminding him that what she has done to him was emotional and physiological abuse which she has now physically abused him since she has been starving him for days now so that made him not feel as guilty anymore.

After getting everything packed and changing his clothing to better ones suited to hide his appearance and throwing a medical mask on he went out the door and left his key since he wasn't going to be returning. 'Goodbye mother... no, goodbye Inko Midoriya. I wish things could have been better between us...' Izuku thought as he closed the door and walked away. He soon made his way towards the train station and waited for the train that would take him in the direction that he needed. Izuku was thankful for Japan's public rail system which cost very little for transport and went almost everywhere in Japan.

He had to wait about 30 minutes until the train arrived and he got on it. Izuku looked at the map and knew he would need to take about 3 different lines but he would make it after 4 hours or so to the city of Gero where he would rely on the guidance of the past users to take him to the hidden home of the fourth user where he secluded himself and trained to grow the quirk since the fourth user didn't face off against All For One until after he passed the quirk later on in his life. Izuku sighed to himself as he set his alarm for 40 minutes which was 10 minutes before he would need to change train lines which required walking to a different station to take that train line. 

Soon the time passed and Izuku switched trains and kept repeating this process until he was on the last train line that would get him to the city of Gero. Izuku arrived and looked around the city and indeed it was still a smaller size city compared to most of Japan but it was still decent. It was mostly built around the flow of the river that passed through the city so the city was spread out in length instead of being condensed together. 'Okay, predecessors please guide me!' Izuku thought and soon had the urge to go towards his left and cross the bridge over the river which he did as the urges telling him to do so. Izuku soon found himself heading up towards the north. After about 30 minutes of walking through the town and heading north, he reached the end of his path. Izuku powered One For All on at the 1% he could control and used it to increase his speed. He just kept going north as the urges told him to until it changed and he followed it.

After about 40 minutes of traveling with One For All at 1%, he arrived at his destination though he was exhausted from using the quirk for so long. He could have done better but he only had one meal in the past few days which has drained him of a lot of energy. Though, Izuku put that out of his mind for now as he felt the urges confirm that he was at his goal as he found a home that was on the edge of the river. He just needed to get across the river to the other side which he found a very old and broken bridge about a minute up the river. Izuku knew he would need to prepare the bridge but that would be a project for later on.

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