Chapter 17: Toshima Island!

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3rd POV:

Izuku was currently sitting at the meet-up point with other Pro Heros and police in the room with him which Izuku had to admit made him a bit nervous about everything that was going on since so many lives rested in his ability to pull this entire mission off without really anything major going wrong! No pressure, yea right! Though, Izuku was glad that he would have some of the UA staff on the backup teams though it still sucked that they were going to be a minimum of 8 minutes away from him and the entire Island all together which didn't really help his nerves but oh well! As the time passed, Izuku just contained to study the terrain and locations that were on the Island to make sure he knew his way around the entire place so he wouldn't miss anything important.

Izuku did notice that most, if not all, buildings were on one portion of the Island where the docks were created at. This made Izuku think about where the villain base may be at since he was sure they didn't want the citizens to know about it since the villains were on the Island for months before they took over so they needed somewhere to hide. If they had all stayed in the town then they would have been noticed since even though the Island gets people from the rest of Japan and the occasional foreigner, the police and heroes would have noticed non-native Islanders staying for a long period of time. This meant that they had to have somewhere to stay away from the may living portion of the Island which made Izuku think about checking the uninhabited portion of the Island for the kidnapped children. 

Izuku looked at the time and notice it was about time to get moving. He placed the map of the terrain and the notes he made so far in his pouch on his chest and checked his gear over one more time to make sure he had everything since there was nothing he could get once he landed on the Island. Izuku then moved towards the docks and saw the UA staff waiting for him as they told him to be careful and take his time as a mistake could be lethal. Izuku nodded his head and said he would be careful and would be waiting for them when he called. After that, he walked down the rest of the docks where the Police Chief who was in charge of the police force for the mission was waiting and he asked if Izuku (Raiden) needed anything before he left which Izuku didn't have anything he needed. As such, Izuku got onto the sinkable boat he was going to be using to get close to the Island and started to head off in the cover of the early morning since the sun hadn't risen yet.

It has been about 40 minutes since Izuku had set off in his small boat and he could see the Island of Toshima in the distance as such he cut the engine of the boat and just floated in the water since the fog hadn't rolled in yet as there was about 30 to 40 minutes before the typical time of the morning fog. As Izuku waited, he just mentally prepared himself for the jump into the mist once it rolled in since he would need to sink the boat and ensure it started to sink before he entered the fog, or else the villains would find it since the currents would push the boat to the Island.

The time quickly passed and the fog was rolling in like normal and Izuku started the engine and slowly moved in so he wasn't too close and right as he entered the fog he killed the engine and tore a large hole on the bottom of the boat which started to flood with water that had already met the top of his shoes as Izuku entered the mist. 'That filled faster than I thought it would...' Izuku thought but he put it out of his mind as he maneuvered as part of the mist and landed on the edge of the Island. 

As Izuku came out of the mist, he sent an alert on his communications device that he had arrived and got a confirmation that the fishing boats were in position as well as they acted like they were fishing though they would move around a bit over the next hours until they would be forced to leave later in the day to not arouse suspicions. This meant if Izuku couldn't solve everything in one day then he would need to sleep on the Island without being found which was risky. After sending his alert, Izuku started to go back into the mist and decided to check on the town area first to see what was going on there.

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