Chapter 26: Stain

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3rd POV:

The time from the U.S.J. had passed and Izuku had spent some of his time between training and pro hero patrols as he wanted to push his control closer to 100% since there was a real fear of All For One being alive now. As such, Izuku worked hard and dedicated himself to it outside of a few lessons that he had with the 1-A and 1-B students which have led him to gain control of 90% of One For All which was good progress but sadly it was time for the sports festival so things at UA were shifting to focus on that. As such the staff was busy doing that while Izuku was sitting in the office of one Principal Nezu of UA! The reason for this is because Izuku has decided to go after a certain villain that was currently hunting heroes down in Hosu.

As Izuku sat there in the office he watched Nezu look over the files he presented. These files contained the overall plan that Izuku would be employing once he goes after Stain. Overall, during the sports festival week, there was a slight chance for rain which provided enough cloud coverage during the daytime for Izuku to use to move around the entire city unnoticed as he would use the clouds to travel in the sky as he looks out of his quirk space and down towards the ground. Even when he finds stain he would flood the area with a large amount of fog/mist to quickly attack Stain as Izuku's speed going into the fog was at an extreme speed that even All Might hasn't been able to catch him before he entered his mist so far.

This meant that even though Stain is reported to be really fast, he doesn't have the speed of All Might which is a benefit for Izuku. Then there are all of the other quirks that Izuku has such as danger sense, black whip, float, and the others that just make Izuku one of the perfect people to go against Stain in this situation since he can counter a lot of what Stain is reported to be able to do. Izuku also had his theories on what Stain quirk was from the wounds so far but he wasn't 100% sure. "As it stands, I think it's some time of freezing quirk or paralyze that requires some form of contact. The reports say there is a small wound general before the killing wound which shows Stain did some sort of attack to get close before ending it." Izuku said as Nezu nodded his head. After a bit longer, Nezu approved of Izuku's plan as Nezu would be the work-study teacher for the mission instead of Eraserhead who would be busy with the sports festival and helping the class train with any last-minute things. 

Nezu on the other hand can multitask really well so overlooking a mission on the side won't be a large issue for him. As such, the day of the sports festival arrived and Izuku had been spending the past week in Hosu trying to track Stain down who hasn't made any moves nor had been reported with any new victims either. As Izuku stopped on a rooftop to look at the news feed of the sports festival he could see how the first-years were doing as they rocketed their way through the calvary battle as they were in the second stage of the festival already. 

Izuku walked as Bakugo's team took first place with a huge grin on Bakugo's face. Thinking about Bakugo, Izuku has realized that Katsuki Bakugo had been trying to make some sort of friendship with Izuku over the past weeks since the U.S.J. which confused Izuku a bit since he wasn't used to having friends at his age. Even Hitoshi was a brother to be looked after more than a close friend due to how Izuku acts. As such, it's been a bit weird for Izuku with the interacts that Katsuki Bakugo had initiated as Bakugo would ask to hang out for lunch which Izuku would agree somewhat but they never sat in the lunchroom since Izuku hated heavily crowded areas if he could avoid them.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Izuku was sure he heard a scream from his side so he quickly spread out a large amount of mist/fog into that direction as he used his mist quirk to travel faster without being seen since he can use his One For All enhanced speed inside of the mist. As Izuku was traveling he heard a yell from someone telling them to back away which helped Izuku lock onto the area where the sounds were coming from. As Izuku arrived, he saw Stain walking over to what appeared to be the Pro Hero Ingenium that was on the ground having trouble moving. Izuku could see there was only one wound from what blood he saw which meant Stain had somehow already stopped Ingenium from being able to fight back.

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