Chapter 36: Karam Comes Due!

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3rd POV:

The next day came quickly much to Izuku's displeasure but his day was slightly better as he was told by the doctors that Eri's medical condition was better than they had initially thought so she should be allowed to leave after a few weeks which she was excited about since Eraserhead finally agreed to take her in which Hitoshi was pleased to have a little sister since Hitoshi enjoyed the times he spent with Izuku who acted as the big brother figure between the two of them since Izuku would always cover for Hitoshi when he wants to go to the cat cafes even after curfew so Izuku would sneak him off campus since Izuku counted as staff permission.

Anyway, moving along to the horrible displeasure that Izuku finds himself in currently! You could see Gran Torino, the detective, All Might, Nezu, Recovery Girl, and Eraserhead all sitting in Nezu's main meeting room with Izuku waiting for Sir Nighteye to arrive on campus. "Shall we take bets?" Izuku asked and everyone turned to him in interest. "I am betting the moment he walks in here he is going to start shouting and somehow he will turn the conversation into about One For All by the end of this meeting," Izuku said and everyone chuckled as that was hardly a bet at all. Nezu then spoke up as he said he bets Sir Nighteye to yell after a few minutes of silence without going into one for all since Eraserhead was in the room. Everyone remembered that Sir Nighteye didn't know that Eraserhead knew about the quirk so it would be interesting to see the man try to get rid of Eraserhead.

Some other bets were placed and All Might even placed a bet that Sir Nighteye would try to convince them to still transfer the quirk even though Izuku had long proven his ability and position as being the 9th user. Izuku chuckled and wouldn't bet against that but after a few more minutes Nezu said Sir Nighteye arrived on campus with LeMillon who had his work-study today. At the mention of LeMillon, Izuku wondered if they should allow him in the room since there was the risk of One For All being spoken about and All Might said the boy shouldn't be allowed since he has no reason to truly be in the room since he was only a provisional pro hero who didn't have much involvement in the actual case or any of the issues that likely were to be talked about.

As such, they waited a bit longer before Nezu made the door open before Sir Nighteye could knock on it. The man looked into the room and saw Izuku and as Nezu seemed to have bet, Sir Nighteye didn't yell straight away but sat down first with Mirio walking in behind him but Eraserhead stopped Mirio. "Mirio, you can return to the dorms for the rest of the day. You won't be needed for this meeting." Eraserhead said and Mirio looked at Eraserhead and before Sir Nighteye could object since he was clearly about to do so, Nezu spoke up. "Indeed, return to your dorm or something else on campus since you are not needed for this meeting," Nezu said and Mirio knew better to argue with his principal at all. As such, he walked out of the room with a glance at Raiden before leaving. The door closed and the room was silent for a bit before Nezu asked why Sir Nighteye wanted this meeting.

You could tell that irritated Sir Nighteye a bit as he turned to Nezu and spoke up quickly. "Why? You ask why? You all screwed up a long and ongoing investigation that my agency had been conducting into the Shie Hassaski! What right did you all have to come and take my case over!?" Sir Nighteye said with a pissed tone and Izuku decided to speak at that. "We didn't take your case over, we only acted on a known threat that needed to be dealt with on a priority due to disturbing information I gained while inside of their compound. We had no idea it was the same organization you were looking in until Nezu put the two things together when the raid was being put together." Izuku said and the man turned to Izuku and told him to shut up since he shouldn't even be in the damn room or have a pro hero license. 

Everyone was a bit silent at that statement that Sir Nighteye did but Izuku only laughed. "Oh, that was funny as hell. Sir Nighteye, I will speak all I want to since you can't do shit to me. You are just pissed that things haven't gone your way since the day you met me and you're not in control anymore." Izuku said with a small glare at Sir Nighteye who only got even more pissed as the man stood up and slammed on the table. "Listen here you brat, you screwed up an ongoing investigation and most likely did it illegally because what proof or evidence did you have to go into that compound in the first place?" Sir Nighteye said and Izuku smiled at that since it meant the man hasn't read any of the reports that were already released so far from the raid.

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