Chapter 10: Arrival in Gero!

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3rd POV:

It was decided that they would drive to Gero and they took a large van that could fit up to 15 people comfortably as they needed space to carry supplies like food, water, clothing, and medical supplies that Recovery Girl demanded they bring. The reason she said this is because they had zero ideas what state they would find Izuku Midoriya in since he ran away at 9 years old into the world on his own. As such, she wanted to be prepared to give him any medical care or basic needs if he was in a horrible state which reminded them all of the facts that the boy had survived years by himself in Japan without help. This made them all a bit worried about what state they would indeed find him in.

After several hours of driving, they arrived in the city of Gero and Nezu noticed the train station was one of the possible stops Izuku Midoriya could have gone off at but Nezu never found footage since a lot of stations that day were under maintenance which made things hard. They soon stopped the car and looked towards All Might who shrugged before freezing and they all looked at him. "Sleep... I am for some reason getting the word sleep pushed to the front of my mind?" All Might said as more of a question and they all wondered why the quirk wanted them to sleep before Recovery Girl spoke up. "I think it might be due to how close it's is to nighttime and look around you... we are surrender by woods. I think that the boy isn't in Gero but this is the closes city to his location. I think he is deep in the woods somewhere which is why the quirk wants us to sleep since it would be a long journey to walk." Recovery Girl said and they all paled at the thought of the boy surviving in the woods for so long but they accepted the fact that they needed to sleep. They were also debating on if they would take Recovery Girl due to her age since she couldn't move as fast as Gran Torino and the others. Gran Torino suggested bringing her still since they might need her.

"All Might could carry Recovery Girl, Eraserhead, and the detective in his form which can let us travel faster as I can lift Nezu since he is smaller. I could do one of the others but it would be easier for me to do him instead while All Might will have his full-time limit of 6 hours since he's been a decent idiot and not waste a lot of it since we needed to find the boy." Gran Torino said and they all nodded at this idea since any trip could be cut down due to their speed. Soon the next day arrived and they all woke up and ate breakfast since they didn't know how long they would be in the forest.

After finishing they all got back in the car since they could still use it for a while and drove north as All Might felt it was the correct direction. They kept going north until there was no more road to drive on. "It seems we will be traveling the rest of the way by foot," Nezu said and they all got out of the car and grabbed some of the supplies before locking the car. Soon they got the stuff on All Might's back and everyone got onto his back as well unlike Nezu who held onto Gran Torino's back and shoulders as they made a small device for him to stand on that went around Gran Torino's body. As such, they headed off and followed the urges that All Might received as they traveled for about 25 minutes at their speed which wasn't as fast as All Might could go since he had to ensure Gran Torino could keep his eyes on him. Then suddenly All Might came to a sudden stop and they wondered why.

"The urges are telling me to just walk from here so I am going to power down and save my form since we should be close by." All Might said and they all nodded as they all decide to walk themselves and within a few minutes, they saw a home on the river that they arrived at. "Well I will be... the boy has been living in a home?" Gran Torino said and All Might nodded his head. "Indeed it appears so. The urges have stopped with the last one being the word 'here' coming to my mind so this is the place." All Might said then Eraserhead spoke up and pointed out that there was a bridge up the river to cross at. They all moved towards it and you could see things were far older and then there were newer parts. "This house may have been here long before so I wonder how he found it?" the detective spoke up out loud as they walked towards the home. They stopped outside of it as they looked around. "I wonder if he is inside or out in the forest somewhere?" All Might pondered until they all heard someone behind them which made them all turn quickly around. "I actually just arrived back here All Might." said the voice and as they all turned around to face the voice they saw one Izuku Midoriya who was holding a dam tree!

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