Chapter 33: Fight of Gods!

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3rd POV:

As all of that was going on, Nezu was back at UA communicating with the government. He was able to get them to agree to issue an education order for the entire prefecture where the fight was going on since he had gotten warned by Eraserhead that it was All For One that attacked the camp with some giant of a monster. Eraserhead was able to get back in contact with Nezu after getting far away enough from the camp where the jamming was going on and the students were heading to the nearest place outside of the prefecture like everyone else was doing since it was deemed unsafe to stay in the prefecture by the government.

The government did order all of the top Pro Heros to head towards the site in the chance that All Might and Raiden lost the fight since they would need to try to keep the villain from moving on to destroy things as the government knew Raiden was stronger than All Might who was retiring soon. Nezu then turned the channels on the TV in the staff room and kept searching for any news network that had a helicopter in the air yet and after switching from some channels he was able to find it finally.

Nezu sat in the office and watched the fight happen as All Might had already arrived before Nezu found the channel. All Might was fighting against All For One while Raiden was dealing with the giant of a monster that All For One had brought to the fight. Nezu watched and waited for how the battle would turn out when the door to the staff room opened and Gran Torino walked in. "Suprised to see you here... I figured you would somehow try to get there." Nezu said without turning around again and Gran Torino just sighed, "I know my limits... by the time I get there the fight will be over with and I won't be able to do anything about it." Gran Torino said and sat down next to Nezu as they both watched the fight. Everyone in the entire country and even in the world was now watching the fight that some were describing as a fight between gods due to the overwhelming power that each individual in the fight was displaying.

As everyone watched, we switch back to the actual fight to hear the battle going on with the screams from each opponent. "Getting tired aren't we All Might!? Soon you will fail to defeat me and at that moment I go back to killing your protege but don't worry. You won't die until after I display his corpse to you!" All For One said as he launched a massive attack at All Might. All Might dodge it and went to get close to All For One who kept doing him. All Might knew what All For One was doing, he was waiting for his time limit to come to an end to win the battle easily which pissed All Might off greratly.

As these two opponents were fighting, we could see Raiden and Gigantomachia going at it. Izuku was bleeding a bit but he wasn't getting wounds like he was before when he had to deal with both of the opponents. Now he was winning his battle as Gigantomachia was starting to stockpile the wounds that Izuku kept putting on the giant. Sadly, things don't go his way as Izuku heard a scream from his side and saw All Might had been hit by a large blow that sent him into the mountainside or what remained of it. All Might still had his form but he was clearly nearing his limit. 

'I NEED TO END THIS!' Izuku thought as he gritted his teeth and was preparing for a large-scale attack. Izuku went up into the air high near the clouds and started to gather as much lighting as he could from One For All and from the natural lighting that had been going quite often due to the high electrical current in the air due to the fight. As Izuku could feel the pure energy radiating off of him now due to taking in the lighting into his body and blade, he kicked the air with the float quirk on and sped down towards the ground. Gigantomachia prepared himself for the attack but the thing was Izuku wasn't aiming for the giant! 

No, as Izuku came closer to the ground he changed his directly using float and went straight at the back of All For One who got caught off guard due to the sudden change. All Might saw it as well and jumped away in time as Izuku landed the attack right onto All For One's powered-up arm but Izuku could see it cutting into the man's arm as All For One screamed! Gigantomachia though heard this and came charging but All Might got in the giant's path and stopped him long enough for Izuku to finish his attack.

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