Chapter 12: Adjusting

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3rd POV:

Izuku and All Might made their way towards Nezu's office when Izuku decided to speak up. "Hey All Might... can I call you Toshi like Nana does in the dreamscape?" Izuku asked catching All Might off guard and froze for a second. Izuku thought he screwed up and tried to backtrack but All Might stopped him. "It's fine... it's just I haven't heard that nickname in so long that it caught me off guard for a moment." All Might said as he turned and looked at Izuku in the eyes. "I would be so happy if you called me that my boy!" All Might said as he patted Izuku's hair and soon they arrived at Nezu's office and walked in as the door just opened right away without them knocking. Izuku chuckled when he saw that and wanted to rise to Nezu's chaotic evilness. 'I wonder if he will teach me his ways!' Izuku thought as a shiver went down All Might's back and Nezu looked up with a grin as if he felt a wonderful thought being made by someone in connection to him.

"Please sit down both of you! Tea?" Nezu asked and Izuku accepted some and asked if Nezu made his own tea or did he buy prepackaged tea. "Ah, most of the time I make my own tea if I can help it. Some of it comes repacked since there is no choice but to make them like that but mostly I buy the actual tea leaves and make it myself." Nezu said and Izuku asked if he could teach him later on since he only was able to figure out the basics but failed before. Nezu had a huge grin while Erasehread groaned and muttered that there were two of them now which made both Nezu and Izuku grin at the same time as they drank their tea almost at the same time. "Anyway, moving on! We've closed your missing person's case without much trouble and kept it on the down-low! Now we are almost finished with the legal paperwork to put you in my and Aizawa's custody. We just need signatures from you Izuku and we will be done as long as the courts approve of it which I will have favors pulled by myself and All Might to ensure no one argues against it." Nezu said and Izuku signed the paperwork that was put in front of him and after about half an hour they were finished. Izuku asked if he was allowed to use the gyms on campus since he needed to continue pushing his limits of One For All. 

"I was wondering if I can use the gym on campus or something since I want to keep pushing OFA limits since I still have about a year and a half or so before the entrance exams for when I would apply? I want as much control as I can get." Izuku asked and Nezu said he could but would need to surrender any equipment to classes if a class were to come into a gym instead of individual students. At that, All Might spoke up and proposed an idea. "My boy, there is a beach that is covered in trash that I would like you to clean up. It could help work different parts of your body and do community service as well. It should take you about 5 months of work in your current body condition." All Might proposed and Izuku thought it over before nodding his head and agreeing to do it since he would like to give back to the community as well.

Nezu though had some other plans in mind like getting Izuku's a provisional license if possible before he started at UA. The reason for this was due to how well he did against Aizawa in their spar but Nezu had ways to show Izuku's abilities overall in a little test he was thinking of but that was for later! Soon they decided it was time to show Izuku his new home so Nezu had the detective take the paperwork and go file it while Nezu took Izuku to the home he would be living in from now on. It was about a 10-minute walk in the forest of the campus. "As long as your on-campus then you have my full permission to use your quirk as you wish even when you become a student since I want to see the chaos you would create!" Nezu said which Eraserhead groaned about. Soon they arrived at Nezu's campus home and Izuku was in shock at how it looked as it was a decent size home.

 Soon they arrived at Nezu's campus home and Izuku was in shock at how it looked as it was a decent size home

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