Chapter 20: First Day Chaos

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3rd POV:

The acceptance letters had been sent out and those that were accepted into their individual departments would be arriving at UA in the coming month as UA was now in full swing of preparing for the next school year. Izuku was honestly proud of Hitoshi Shinso who had successfully gained enough points to enter the hero course of UA! Hitoshi had only scored so many villain points even with knowing about the shutoff button and would have been 10 points short of securing his place but thanks to his efforts in saving the zero-gravity quirked student who also got accepted, Hitoshi had gained 25 extra points which put him in 11th place. This secured his position and he was placed into the class of 1-A since Eraserhead would be teaching him underground heroics instead of Vlad King who was a limelight Pro Hero.

All of the other students were split up between the two individual teachers with 18 entrance exam students per teacher with two recommended students in each class for a total of 20 per class. Izuku wasn't counted in any class since he was a provisional pro hero who was assigned to a special class with Nezu as in reality, Izuku is a part of the staff instead of being a student. The only studies he needs to do in regards to UA were the hero portions which he would learn with time and was given privately most of the time anyway.

As such, Izuku would switch between the classes when he wants to or if a teacher asked him to join one for some reason. Otherwise, Izuku would focus on his own private training and hero work. Now enough of that as it was time for us to skip ahead to the first day of classes! As we arrive on the first day of UA's new school year we discover Izuku Yagi aka Raiden walking through the hallways without a UA uniform on which got him stopped by one Tenya Iida! "It's you! Why aren't you wearing a uniform?" Iida asked as he walked up to Izuku with the zero gravity girl next to him who Izuku remembered was named Ochako Uraraka. 

Izuku looked at Iida and just sighed as he turned around and just walked away which left the two students stunned. Iida came out of his shock and followed behind Izuku and kept talking about how he needed to get into a uniform since it was required by the school. Izuku then stopped outside of 1-A and directed his hand to it. "I believe this is your stop? As such, I will be leaving you now." Izuku said as he turned around and walked away not wanting to deal with Iida's annoying stiffness. The two students of 1-A just stood there in silence but after a few moments, they entered the classroom while Izuku had made his way through the halls to the staff room as he was given a desk in the staff room to use whenever he was on campus.

As Izuku entered he saw Dadzawa (Eraserhead) and he groaned to him. "Your students are annoying me already... Iida needs to stop being so stiff in rules." Izuku grumbled as he walked to his desk and he could hear chuckles from everyone. "Now, now, my boy. I am sure they will relax more after Eraserhead has his first class with them since he always does scare them on the first day." All Might said who Izuku just laid against as the man was sitting on the couch near Izuku's desk. Izuku just shrugged in the agreement or whatever it was and looked at the clock as he saw the classes would start soon.

"I think I am going to get changed into my outfit and stalk Dadzawa's class today before I go out for a short patrol since nothing else really happens on the first day," Izuku said as he got up and grabbed his hero outfit from under his desk where he put it. He then walked into a side room that was attached to the staff room and quickly changed as he threw his other clothing into the case where his hero outfit was previously. After finishing he walked out to see most of the staff already had left since the classes would start soon. The only one left in the room really was All Might who was reviewing the student files for the first years.

All Might saw Izuku in his hero outfit and grinned. "I always enjoy seeing you in your outfit. It shows how far you have come from all the way back then. How much control have you gotten since the exam?" All Might said and asked which Izuku felt the quirk called One For All for a few moments as he could hear whispers nowadays from the past users when he had it active since the connection had grown that strong. "I was at 80% at the exam, I am now sitting at 85% which is a high amount since 100% would be your prime which means I am far stronger than you are now in physical strength. I was able to take you on at 65% with the other quirks but now sitting at 85% with the quirks I should wipe the floor with you unless you pull a fast one on me, pops." Izuku said as he sat down next to All Might as they spoke about his current one for all training. All Might nodded his head with great pride on how far Izuku had come. 

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