Chapter 6: Izuku's Training!

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3rd POV:

Izuku Midoriya was breathing hard as he laid on the ground in the middle of the forest. The reason he was breathing hard was that he was currently training his body over the past months since he arrived here in the forest. Many things have happened as he had gone into town and purchased tools such as an ax and many other physical tools. Izuku didn't have the money to spare on the high-end electricals and knew very well that the watermill wouldn't support supplying the electrical energy for all of the tools plus the refrigerator that he had bought as well as a few other appliances. He also knew his money was running dry as well and he's been lucky that he's found a few households that took pity on him and offered him odd jobs. Most of these households were older families that were too old to do a lot of things themselves so having a young child with a lot of energy was amazing for them since Izuku could do a lot of things they couldn't in their old age such as chop a tree down or pull all of the weeds out of the large garden. 

However, back to the training and tools part. A part of the training that he got from the past users were having Izuku do was to use the ax and cut down some trees where he would then cut it into parts. Some parts were turned into lumber that he used to repair the home which they taught him how to cut the wood correctly into parts and some of the tree parts were turned into training equipment such as heavy and large trunks that were left alone were used as a giant weight to lift with the quirk turned on. As such over the past months he had pushed his quirk control from 1 % to 5% which felt amazing to Izuku for being only 9 years old and having such an improvement with his small body and being on his own since he doesn't count the death as being actual people with him since people would think he was crazy if he ever claimed that.

Anyway, Izuku had repaired the bridge with the wood he had made and the bridge was in a much better condition now though he knew he would need to replace the parts since he didn't have the money to purchase a wood sealer to stop the wood from rotting due to the elements. He also repaired portions of the house and again would need to replace them sooner or later in the future due to lacking funds to buy a wood sealer. Izuku would rather save the money and replace them instead of using a wood sealer and not having money for an emergency.

Other than the physical labor of the tree cutting, Izuku also received a training plan from the past users who had good knowledge on building up muscles. They wanted him to build up significant muscles but over time since they didn't want his body to be harmed by putting too much muscle on but instead to get a nice toned and firm body instead which they could get over the years. Most of the training was with routines that would help him slowly build up his muscles but most of it was focused on building up endurance so he would have the stamina to last for a long time. Some other things he was working on were combat lessons that the users had him learning. He would repeat exercises that the past users would teach him when he went into his dreamscape every few days and he would spend the time between practicing them until he got it and they moved him to the next step. 

Outside of physical training, he also needed to train his mind. Now there was a slight issue since Inko Midoriya had reported Izuku missing a week after he ran away. He found this out since he did a search about his name and found a small news article about it that didn't say much except that he ran away and was missing. What concerned Izuku was the fact that Sir NIghteye was reported to be the main person investigating it since he had requested the case. Izuku knew not to trust anyone related to his case now since they would be tied to Sir Nighteye and under his direction which didn't mean anything good for Izuku.

The past users had told Izuku of the information they gained from the All Might' echo that fed them information. They told him about how Sir Nighteye fed Izuku's school records to All Might and painted him as a trouble maker which was bullshit but they also told him about how All Might said that he would turn Izuku onto a better path even if the file was true which made Izuku happy. He asked if he should try contacting All Might but they couldn't come to a decision as they were split on it. Half believed they should contact All Might while the other half believed Izuku should stay hidden for now and train in secret since they didn't know if All For One was alive or not. Most of the older users believed he should train in hiding while Nana and more current users thought he should reach out to All Might. They were at a tie of three vs three since the first user didn't get involved in the vote nor did All Might echo get a vote since he wasn't fully there so they rejected his vote. Izuku also didn't vote since he found his situation right now liveable and didn't want to risk going back to his mother's care in all honestly since he was doing quite fine on his own. He only needed to figure out the education issue which was still a slight issue. 

They all decided to put the topic on the side burner and focus on the issue of education since they couldn't reach an agreement on reaching out to All Might or not. Now, finding a way to enroll him in school was troublesome. They decided to do an online school that had accreditation internationally and only required him to verify his identity which he could do since he grabbed all of his documents before he ran away like his birth certificate, ID card, government identification number, and other government documents. The online school that was accredited internationally also met the Japanese standards so Izuku applied for it since they wouldn't need to report him signing up for it as long as the documents checked out. 

He did have to take a placement exam since he didn't provide current school documents as a result he ended up placing two grades ahead of his current age group which wasn't surprising to Izuku nor the past users. Izuku always did have to learn on his own due to the bias from the teachers which meant he needed to self-study and learn at his own pace which was faster than the pace of the school. This resulted in him being in classes for 7th grade or those that were 12 or thirteen years old. Izuku accepted it since it meant he would be done with his schooling faster and have more time focused on physical training since the school he enrolled in online was a self-paced class type. Everything was online and they only had to have a video session to take the exam itself when it was time which required them to show the room and take the exam on a secured browser that made it impossible to cheat.

Time soon passed and it had now been 6 months since Izuku Midoriya had escaped his home and been missing. Izuku had gained more money off of the side jobs he was doing for people which helped his situation but he had to be careful of the police since they would most likely know him from his missing person case if they ever got his name. As such, he always used a different name which was Nainsu which meant the ninth in a literal sense. Some were confused on why that was his name but he said it held a special meaning to him which they accepted at face value since most of the people he did jobs for figured out he was most likely homeless. Some older families asked him if he was safe where he was and he answered that he was indeed and was fine since he earned money on the side jobs so he had no troubles that they needed to worry about.

Overall, the house had been fully repaired and was in decent condition as well. Izuku had also figured a way out to store energy in some batteries in the event that the watermill ever stopped working during the winter so he would have some power that he knew he would need to conserve since he could store about an entire months worth of energy before it ran out if he used it non-stop but if he limited his use of it he could get two months out of the batteries. Izuku was also looking into making a solar panel which was time-consuming in making and likely was going to be a several-month project since he needed to get the parts to make it. Izuku knew that he was going to be living in the forest home for the long run since the past users had still not come to an agreement on reaching out to All Might any time soon. As such, the first user had set down conditions that Izuku was allowed to reach out to All Might on his own if he gained control of 50% of the quirk since it would provide him a defense in the off chance All For One was still alive. Otherwise, they would wait until it was near time for UA to reach out to All Might.

Izuku agreed to the conditions since he trusted the past users since they haven't led him astray yet. He also was enjoying his life currently since he could focus so much on training and not worry about bullies or adults harming him though the past users were concerned about his ability to interact with others if he didn't get much interaction out of his trips to the town which he promised to interact as much as he could with any people around his age which they accepted. Now outside of that issue, there was the issue of winter being in the full blast which he completely forgot about winter clothing. He and the past users were debating on trying to go to town to buy winter clothing and more blankets versus just staying in the home and keeping it warm since he had a high pile of wood. Overall they refused to let him go out and train in the deep cold since he didn't have good clothing to stay out long in the cold but they didn't want him to pause on his progress which was doing good since he was now at 10% during the months that had passed. 

After much debate, it was decided that he would make the run into town using his quirk to go through the forest quickly and make it to the store at night since he could use his quirk in the cover of darkness with little finding him. They knew there was a 24/7 department store that would be open so that is what they did. It was also turned into stealth training to avoid the small number of heroes that were in this town and avoid the police as well. Ass such, after an hour out in the cold avoiding police and other heroes he had gone and returned from the store with winter clothing and more blankets for the winter. They didn't need to worry about having a space heater or anything since the stove provided enough heat off of it to heat the entire house since it wasn't large. 

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