Chapter 37: Shocking News [END]

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3rd POV:

As LeMillon stood in the room looking at the entire room he noticed All Might had some tears down his face and a coffee mug was destroyed in front of the man. "I would love to know why my mentor just got arrested? Nothing is making sense to me!" LeMillon asked and the room occupants all just sighed at his question. "Truthfully, he should have been arrested years ago for crimes he committed but I never pushed the issue until now since he didn't feel remorse even though he was proven wrong on the said issue. As such, I had him arrested for the crimes he committed against me back when I was a child as none of them had time limits on when they expired since they were crimes against a minor and were quite serious charges as well." Izuku said as he looked at LeMillon who eyes widen in confusion. LeMillon continued to stare at Izuku who didn't provide more information since he wasn't going to unless Mirio asked.

Of course, Mirio had asked! Mirio asked what exactly the crimes were and Izuku looked at LeMillon and then spoke, "Do you remember when you asked me how I was so strong and I told you because I went through blood, sweat, tears, trauma, being villainized, and being isolated from society which forced me to focus on my training only. Though a lot of that is thanks to your mentor Sir Nighteye since he had a hand in a lot of that?" Izuku said and Mirio nodded his head and Izuku said the crimes relate to that. "When I was 9 years old, your Sir Nighteye came after me because All Might had entrusted something of great importance to me back then since he believed he was going to die. I promised to never allow it to fall into the hands of another person but Sir Nighteye didn't like that I had what All Might entrusted me with so he decided to come after me in greed since he didn't believe I should have it. Unluckily for him, I refused to give it up since I had no intentions of betraying All Might's trust. As such, Sir Nighteye turned my mother against me which lead her to physically abusing me and she even hit me right in front of him. She then would starve me for days as Sir Nighteye would return later to see if I would give what he wanted but I still refused. Soon though I was left with no options left as my mother threatened to throw me out on the streets if I didn't turn what I was entrusted with over to Sir Nighteye since he had told my mother I had stolen whatever I had been given. Do remember, All Might at this time was in a coma due to being on his death bed back then which wasn't public knowledge so he couldn't help me." Izuku said and then took a drink of his tea in front of him since he had changed the coffee out for the tea.

Izuku then turned to LeMillon again and asked him what he thought Izuku did back then when he was left with no other options? LeMillon didn't have an answer but Izuku did. "I choose to run before they could try a new method against me so I stole all of the money in the apartment, all of the food, and all of my personal belongings then I ran away because Sir Nighteye and my mother left me no other option. As such, I spent years alone away from society training my body and my newly awakened quirk at the time since I was a late bloomer as well. As such, I survived for years before All Might, Nezu, Gran Torino, Recovery Girl, the detective, and Eraserhead were able to track me down and locate where I was since Sir Nighteye had lied about what happened with me to them. He also falsified police reports about what my mother had done as well so he's been arrested for that as well. So we have accessory to child abuse, child neglect, child abandonment, child endangerment, falsifying police reports, and many other hero laws that got broken. This all happened because he was greedy and I choose to let him continue to be free since I believed others could still be saved but after today's meeting he still didn't feel any remorse for what he did so I choose to have him arrested since he is no hero." Izuku said as he finished explaining why Sir Nighteye was arrested. LeMillon though was in shock and had sat down in one of the seats with his head in his hands.

Though Nezu didn't care about the tension in the room as he spoke up. "I'm done writing the public statement about Sir Nighteyes arrest since people will wonder why the sole former sidekick of All Might was arrested even though he wasn't known by everyone outside of that. It still needs to be dealt with." Nezu said and All Might nodded his head as he said he would give the public statement since it would be better coming from him. "He chooses his bed that he wanted to sleep in and it's time he faces his punishment. To think he thought so lowly of myself as well is disturbing since he had worked with me for so many years." All Might said as he started to read over the statement that Nezu had prepared. Nezu said he already called the press who would be outside in a while as ectoplasm was creating the stage with Cementoss really quickly. 

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