Chapter 24: Staff Meeting

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3rd POV:

The students were taken back to the campus while the Pro Heros and Izuku dealt with the situation going on at the U.S.J. and as it stood the situation wasn't good as UA had gotten caught with their pants down. "Nezu... I believe HE is back down and from what the others knew they have never seen a Nomu before during their lifetimes so it means it's a recent creation which confirms he is still alive." Izuku said to Nezu who Izuku had taken to the side. Overall, the situation they were now in wasn't good at all. The school was going to be hit with bad press due to the attack and now they just found out the greatest evil of the quirk era is alive and kicking!

Nezu was silent for a while before he said they would talk about it at the school but he should go ahead and return to relax but also get ready for the staff meeting that he will need to attend. The detective also needed to take his statements as well since he was currently at UA getting the student's statements. Izuku nodded his head and understood as All Might would also be at UA waiting for them and Izuku was sure that All Might would like a heads up earlier than the staff meeting on the fact that the mortal enemy of his is alive most likely as well. Izuku told Nezu goodbye and that he would see him at the school.

As Izuku quickly made his way to the school, he arrived in Recovery Girl's office to just get checked out slightly since he had some cuts and lights. Though Recovery Girl was not in the room since she had to deal with the students who were all in their classroom so Izuku was doing his own self-care which he was good at due to years being on his own. For example, one time during his time away from society Izuku had just increased his physical training!

Back then, Izuku was currently increasing the difficulty of his physical training which the new part of it was for him to start carrying a large tree trunk that he had cut down for his physical training. As Izuku was carrying the first tree he had an accident when a part of the path he was walking on had given out which caused him to drop the tree and fall with it. As Izuku fell down on the path the tree didn't crush any body parts but the tree did hit his harm and tear the skin up due to the bark that was left on it. This caused a lot of torn skin areas that Izuku had to treat by himself with limited supplies.

As Izuku sat on his floor in his home, he could see all the damage but luckily with the guidance of the past users with the little they could give while he was awake, they were able to teach him to treat more seriously wounds. This lead to Izuku having a large amount of skill in self-care which is a useful skill to have. Now, outside of that, it was closing in on time for the staff meeting but Izuku needed to find All Might first so he could tell him about the chance of All For One being alive.

Izuku left Recovery Girl's office and found his way to the staff room which required him to pass 1-A where he could hear the students giving their statements as the door was opened. As Izuku passed he saw one Katsuki Bakugo looking directly at him when he passed by the gate. Izuku saw Katsuki Bakugo's eyes widen in recognition which really surprised Izuku in all honestly. Izuku knew Bakugo likely recognized his voice from somewhere but to have a look of recognition surprised Izuku because Izuku didn't honestly believe that Bakugo could really care or remember Izuku since he had run away at the age of 9 with so many years passing. There was also the fact that Bakugo hated Izuku all that time ago as well but Izuku pushed it out of his mind since more important matters. If Bakugo surely figured out his identity then he would come to seek a meeting sooner or later so Izuku decided to leave their meeting in Bakugo's hands.

As Izuku arrived outside of the staff room he entered it to find All Might near the window in his skinny form where he had dropped down seeing it was Izuku who entered. "You know... it would be easier if you stayed in your skinny form instead of buffing up. Just claim to be an administrative assistant or something for the school which would make it more believable and less risky of you buffing up quickly which does catch the eye." Izuku said as he entered the room. All Might sighed and nodded his head as he apologized for not being able to help at the U.S.J. in time and leaving it to Izuku to deal with the villains.

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