Chapter 35: Shie Hassaski Pt. 2

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3rd POV:

Izuku ended the call with Nezu and informed Eri of what was going on. "Eri, we need to wait a bit longer as people I know are going to gather to come to help us. As such, whenever someone comes I will hide in my mist so they don't know I am here. I am sorry but I need you to bear with whatever they do for a bit longer but I promise you I will get you out of here soon okay?" Izuku said as he hugged her as best as he could and she nodded her head. Izuku moved to a portion of the room out of view from the door and just waited. It felt like hours had passed when only one hour had passed before Izuku's phone shook with a vibration alerting Izuku to a message. It was from Nezu who said he had a decent size raid team with quite a few of the UA staff and other heroes who quickly joined the team. Even Gran Torino had rushed to join the team when he learned that it was Izuku who was with the girl in the basement of a villain lair which the old man was gripping about from what Izuku could tell from the text that Nezu had sent and described the situation.

Nezu did inform Izuku that a few others heroes like Best Jeanist was able to join the raid request but wouldn't be bringing his work-study who he had with him today. The work-study was Bakugo which Iuzku agreed that no work-study students should join this since it was a quick pace raid with really no plan going on but to rush in and fight. Luckily, Nezu was smart and didn't invite any heroes like Endeavor who would be horrible for the situation since it would be tight spaces and Endeavor would likely lead to friendly damage being done. 

Anyway, the raid would be going on within the next 30 minutes as the raid team with the police were preparing last-minute details and had the warrants for everyone in the compound to be arrested for multiple crimes such as murder, child abuse, child neglect, child endangerment, and assisting to all said crimes since they would need to sort through everyone to be clear what was going to happen with everyone captured. Though it didn't appear to be Izuku's or Eri's luck as a few men came in to take Eri away for a scheduled time in the lab. After they left, Izuku quickly exited his mist and texted Nezu that the girl was being taken to be placed in the lab so he would act the moment the raid started so as not to pre-warn them about being attacked. Nezu confirmed and said they would try to speed the last preparations up quickly but it would be clear when the attack started since it would get loud quickly.

Making his way into his mist he quickly found where they had taken Eri and he hid in the lab once again to watch the things that would be done to the girl which made Izuku so pissed with himself that he couldn't just grab her and run but he knew it would endanger her if he tried to take the entire organization on while guarding her. As such, he watched as they took all of the blood from her again after exploding her with Overhaul's quirk and putting her back a few times which caused her so much pain. After that, Izuku learned something terrifying about this organization as it turns out they were creating quirk destroying bullets! 

They were almost ready to make the permeant version but would need about another month to complete them! 'Well, seems fate screwed with all of you now didn't it!' Izuku thought with a smirk in his mind as they wouldn't have the time to finish what they wanted. As Overhaul was talking when suddenly the entire base started to shake and a man ran into the room. "Sir, Police and Heros are attacking the compound!" The man yelled and Overhaul was pissed but it was at that moment that Izuku decided to attack as Overhaul had his back to Izuku. Within seconds, Izuku had his Kodachi right through the shoulder of Overhaul with lighting going off of it as he shocked the man which knocked Overhaul out. "Can't let you go walking around with your quirk. Would cause quite a few problems!" Izuku yelled as he quickly dealt with the other men in the room which was easy due to them already being in complete shock at seeing their leader taken out so easily in surprise so they didn't have their guards up in time for when Izuku landed his attacks quickly.

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