Chapter 23: U.S.J. PT. 2

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While all of that happened upon the top of the staircase, Raiden (Izuku) was making easy work of all of the thugs down on the ground as Izuku was letting lose inside of his mist that blinded most of the thugs as he had made it thick enough to block most of their views. Izuku was moving around so fast that the lighting off of him was shocking the other villains that were inside of his mist which only made quicker work. Within a minute he had defeated all of the low-level thugs down on the ground which was around 70 or so villains. As he came to a stop and lightened the mist up to allow others to see him and the work he had just completed he heard the enraged scream from the main villain.

Seconds later the warp user appeared again as he apologized for allowing a student to escape but then Kurogiri froze as he saw the destruction of their villain army that they had gathered by one man. "How about you just give up villains?" Izuku said with a smirk on his face hoping to just scare them into surrender but danger sense was still going off and sending alarm bells in his mind in regards to the monster off to the side of Shigaraki. "You... what is your name!?" Shigaraki asked and Izuku provided it. "I am Raiden, the Hero of Valor!" Izuku responded as he put his arms to the side which caused Shigaraki to throw a tantrum. Shigaraki just cursed Izuku off as he looked around at all of his fallen men.

While this happened, Eraserhead had made it back to the plaza and was pushing some of his students towards the staircase which included Shinso, Tsu, and Mineta who had gotten dropped into the water zone where Eraserhead was at as well. They had helped him get back to the shore since he would have had a challenge doing so without them since there were so many water villains there but he now needed all of his students gathered up since he still didn't feel as if everything was over and he was right!

As the students he had with him left to the staircase he came up behind Raiden and asked for an update. "The monster... be careful of it. Don't fight it and leave it to me no matter what since it will kill you likely in one blow. The main villain I think has a five-pointed touch activation from how he keeps his hands with one finger always away from things and then the warp user. Just make sure students stay away from the monster since I will need to go all out against this thing from what I am feeling off of it." Izuku explained which didn't sit well with Eraserhead due to the fact that Izuku was so wary of the creature but he nodded his head. Sadly for them, Bakugo and other students all arrived back at the plaza as Bakugo used his explosions and captured the warp user. That would be amazing if not for the fact that the creature made Izuku feel uncomfortable.

Another thing happened as well as a rush of ice came from one side and enclosed the creature halfway with one leg and arm encased in the ice. "This thing was meant to kill All Might yet it's so weak?" Todoroki said as he walked over with a few other students. "Really... what is with your class Eraserhead?" Izuku asked dumbfounded that they all decided to come into the most dangerous situation. "Todoroki and all of you others need to go to the staircase now," Izuku said as his tone was stiffed. Todoroki spoke up and said it was easier to defeat them in numbers which Izuku would agree with normally but they were all untrained and this was a monster to kill All Might. As Eraserhead went to Bakugo and traded places while he had his quirk on to keep Kurogri from warping, Bakugo was getting ready to move when it all happened. 

"Ah... I am done wasting time... with all of these NPC's thinking they are so powerful.... Nomu! GET OUT TRANSPORT BACK NOW!" Shigaraki yelled out as the Nomu broke from the ice losing its arm and leg which freaked everyone out but it got worse! The so-called anti-symbol called Nomu regenerated its limbs and stepped down on the ground. Within seconds, Izuku's thoughts went across his mind as he made his move based on what he saw as he grabbed Eraserhead and threw him and Bakugo to the side away from Kurogri. 

Hero of Valor: RaidenWhere stories live. Discover now