Chapter 7: All Might's Anxiety

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3rd POV:

We find ourselves in a large city that housed Mighty Towers which is where All Might himself worked and lived most of the time on the top floors of the agency. All Might however wasn't good as he was anxious overall and you might wonder why was the number one pro hero anxious? Well, it was pretty simple for those that knew the truth! It was due to the fact that they couldn't find any clues on Izuku Midroiya being alive at all! The police had wanted to close the missing person case and declared him dead but All Might had stepped in and stopped it from happening with the help of his detective friend. All Might expressed that he believed the boy was still alive and he was a person of interest to All Might. As such, the case was reassigned from Sir Nighteye to All Might himself since Sir Nighteye didn't have the ability to stop it from being reassigned to the number one pro hero. 

All Might still had a strained relationship with his former sidekick since the man wanted him to retire still and didn't believe Izuku Midoriya could be a good fit for the 9th user. However, All Might knew for some reason unknown to him that Izuku Midoriya was the perfect fit for the quirk even though he couldn't describe why he felt like this. Unknown to him it was One For All itself causing this reaction since it was connected to Izuku Midoriya and the past users who all supported the 9th user. Even the second and third users who were more of hardliners that hardly supported anyone or got involved had a soft side for the 9th user due to his past and ability to survive on his own as he was. 

However, back to All Might himself. He was concerned about the lack of details in finding Izuku Midoriya as it appeared the boy dropped off the face of the earth and never appeared again. Not even Principal Nezu has been able to find the boy on any camera again after they lost him even though they were able to track him down to at least one more station but they lost visual of him after that station since they never found him getting off of the train they saw him get on except for the fact that there was one station where he most likely got off but the cameras were down being repaired that day. As such, they knew a possible area but Izuku Midoriya could have gotten on a train, a bus, a cab, or anything else at the stop so they had zero clues where he went since there weren't many public cameras around the train station where they head a dead zone where they believed he had stopped at. As such, they never found him going to a new station which camera was also under maintenance as well since the city was replacing them all on the same day so they didn't know if he ever got on a train so they didn't know where to look since that station fed into many different places. 

Nezu told All Might he would keep looking but there was a lot of footage from all of the different possible stops and it would take him a large amount of time since a lot of the footage wasn't good enough to run through a program to scan for Izuku Midoriyas face so Nezu had to do it manually. As such, it's been an entire year now since Izuku Midoriya had been missing and All Might didn't know where the 9th user was even though he was sure the boy was alive due to the feeling he had with his own version of One For All is what he told Nezu, Recovery Girl, Gran Torino, and the detective who all help contained to search for the boy.

All Might knew he could release a statement asking for people to search for him but that was a heavy risk he wasn't willing to do since villains would target the boy. All Might had also taken advice from Recovery Girl and Nezu to save his time limit as best as he could since he had a large number of hours currently but was warned it would go away over the years since he didn't have One For All anymore. As such, he always would make public appearances in the afternoon when he did villain fights for about 4 hours a day before he would return to his agency and do the paperwork to hide his form which was starting to shrink from his normal hero form. Recovery Girl was giving him IV's that he needed to take all of the time and a lot of vitamins that could get some things extracted while in his small intestines that had been turned into something like a stomach since he lost his actual one due to All For One. It was the best he could do to keep his power as long as he could to find Izuku Midoriya.

Though something felt off in regards to the boy's mother which made All Might worried as well. All Might felt as if there was something there that needed to be addressed but he didn't know what it was. As such, he decided to consult the detective who would likely be able to handle it much better since he had the lie detector quirk. He had asked the detective to stop by his agency whenever he was in town which was several weeks later. The detective asked what he needed and All Might pointed out how a statement that Izuku Midoriya made came back to his mind. "The day I passed the quirk to him... I asked him 'what are your dreams for the future?' and he told me that 'I want to be a hero even though everyone tells me I should just give up. I want to make a better society that doesn't treat people like me like trash, as worthless, as wastes of space... I want to save people with a smile on my face and make them feel that even if I am against great odds that I will do everything I can do even if it looks horrible. That they can have hope for a better tomorrow!' and the reason this stuck with me is due to the fact that he treated some of my wounds which recovery Girl had pointed out were decently done. I remind you this is an 8-year-old back then who had enough medical knowledge to get praise out of Recovery Girl." All Might said and the detective started to see where this was going but asked to get confirmation of what he suspected.

"As you suspect is likely what I suspect. I believe he may have been abused and is the reason he ran away from home or likely received a lot of abuse or neglect from the school which his mother ignored and then suddenly treated him better after he had a quirk which most likely made him snap and run away to escape her. As such, I would like you to start digging into his old school and his mother as well." All Might asked and the detective nodded his head since he could see the possibility of their suspicions being corrected based on the words of Izuku Midoriya from that day. The detective did warn All Might that the investigation was likely going to be slow since his bosses wouldn't approve of might time being spent on it since Izuku Midoriya was currently missing and in their minds dead. All Might nodded his head and asked for any time he could spare for the case since it could take as long as they needed since it really mattered more once they found the boy himself to confirm their theories if they couldn't g et enough information since if he was abused, All Might wasn't going to let him go back to that home.

Soon the meeting came to an end and the detective went home for the day since he had a long drive ahead of him. All Might though sat in his chair and looked out of the window with his reflection in the glass. "Where are you Izuku Midoriya?" All Might asked to no one in the room as he spoke to himself. He truly wondered how the boy was doing in his training and if he heeded his warning to train his body up to use the quirk since he knew the boy had activated the quirk once before from what they gained from the quirk doctor notes since All Might knew the boy had control over a very small portion of the quirk which made All Might happy that the boy already had some form of control. He only hoped he was increasing his control and staying as safe as he could. Though as All MIght thought of this we could find one Izuku Midoriya jumping between the trees as he was training in jumping between large spaces to replicate traveling over rooftops since the past users told him he would likely do it a lot in his future hero career. As such, Izuku was high up in the air in the trees doing some practice as he made large jumps between branches which had freaked the past users out the first time he did it and almost fell. Izuku though just laughed since he could feel their shock and dread at what he was doing but accepted it and encouraged him to do it more since he was pretty good at it. Though you could find Nana Shimura in a portion of the void complaining like a mother hen that Izuku shouldn't be that risky! 

Switching back to Might Tower, All Might felt a sudden shudder down his spine. 'That wasn't a good shudder... for some reason, I feel as if the boy is doing something really stupid right now...' All Might thought and if he knew what Izuku was doing he would be freaked out if he saw the first attempt like the other past users had seen from inside of Izuku's mind. Though All Might would likely never learn of the truth of Izuku's crazy tree jumping stunts or maybe he would. Who knows!

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