Chapter 22: U.S.J. PT. 1

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3rd POV: 

Izuku woke up in his bed as he had just left the dreamscape where he was talking to all of the past users. Izuku's ill-feeling had transferred to them it seems as even they felt some sense of forbearance about this day. Something felt off since last night and Izuku didn't know why as he kept thinking about the low-level villains that were gathering for the villain attack or whatever the drug dealer claimed that night. Izuku decided to just go straight into wearing his outfit all day today even though he didn't have a patrol scheduled today as it was an off day for him. As Izuku came downstairs he saw Nezu finish cooking the breakfast as they both sat down. "Today feels off for you I assume?" Nezu asked and Izuku asked if it was off for him as well which he nodded his head at. "You don't live as long as I do as a quirked animal with human intelligence that makes humans nervous about without having a huge feeling of good sense on things," Nezu said as he told Izuku that he had all of the cameras watching all of the campuses in case they are somehow attacked since it was all he could do right now.

As they finished eating they headed to the school where Nezu had warned all of the staff to be on guard since even he didn't feel like the day would be a good one which had set them all on high alert since Nezu's gut feelings tended to be highly accurate. As the day went on, Izuku walked around the building when danger sense went off with a huge warning. The quirk was telling him that someone with high ill will were nearby which Izuku pulled his phone out and alerted Nezu, Eraserhead, and All Might about since they were the only ones to know the full truth of his quirk and danger sense. They all responded that they would be on guard while All Might said he was still heading towards the school as he texted. 

A few moments later the security system went off alerting to the fact that someone was at the gate and had broken in but danger sense was telling him that there was antoehr danger closer to him in the building so Izuku activated his quirk as he spread his mist out into the vents so he could travel quicker. As he moved around the danger sense went off right above the staff room when he got close to it which caused him to drop into the room ready to fight but when he appeared there was no one in the room which he found odd as danger sense was no longer going off. 'What...' Izuku thought as he looked around for any disturbances but found none. The alarm then went off as Izuku found a text saying it was the press which he found complete bullshit as danger sense shouldn't have warned him that largely if it was the press who was presenting the danger.

Izuku made his way out to the gates through the vents though he did pass through the lunchroom to check there. He saw that Iida had calmed everyone down and they were all exiting the room calmly which was a good job on his part. Izuku arrived at the gate and examed it which he saw that the gate was in pieces that looked like it was broken down. "This couldn't have been the press..." Izuku muttered out as Nezu walked up to him who agreed with him. "Indeed, something is off..." Nezu said as some other staff was around them. Izuku pulled his phone and showed a message to Nezu which told Nezu that danger sense had sensed someone in the staff room but when he arrived it had gone off already and no one was present which concerns him that someone may have been in the room before he arrived. 

"Interesting... I will check the cameras to see but we don't know what they would have taken if they indeed were in there. All we can do is prepare for the worse." Nezu said as he told Izuku to join 1-A on their trip to the U.S.J. "All Might is meant to go with them but I doubt he will arrive in time. There is also the issue of his limit since he used half of it up as he only has two and a half hours left of the five-hour limit he currently has. I don't know if I want to have him waste it there in the event of a second attack when we can have you go instead. It's also about time the students see you in person and meet the teacher's assistant as well." Nezu said which Izuku nodded his head at when All Might arrived at the gate. He quickly came over and asked if everyone was safe which they said they were but had concerns.

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