Chapter 2: World Turned Upside Down!

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3rd POV:

It had been several weeks since Izuku Midoriya and Inko Midoriya had gone to the quirk doctor and had his quirk register with the government but Izuku wasn't prepared for what was going to be coming to his door. Izuku thought the day would be normal like every other day where he works out in his room before he goes out on a run for a while. However, when he was getting ready to start his day on that Saturday morning a knock came on the door early in the day. Izuku's mother went to get it and she was surprised to see who was at the front door. It was none other than Sir Nighteye the sidekick of All Might. She invited him in and called for Izuku to come to greet the guest. Izuku did so and was shocked to see who it was and his mind went into overdrive as he wondered if All MIght was better and had sent Sir Nighteye to talk to him.

Sir Nighteye took the tea that Inko had offered him and spoke soon after. "Ma'am, I am here in regard to a case that happened about 6 months ago in the city you work in. As you know I work for All Might as his sidekick and I am here to talk to your son that might have seen something since he was in the area where the event happened. As such, I would like to speak to your son alone for some moments to see if he knows anything if that is alright with you?" Sir Nighteye asked and Inko looked at her son before nodding her head to Sir Nighteye. She soon left the room and Sir Nighteye looked at Izuku as he started to ask the questions.

"I am sure you know what I am here to talk about since I have video of you leaving the area where All Might was at. Something was taken from All Might that I am tracking down to ensure it gets provided to a better-suited individual if you know what I mean." Sir Nighteye said and Izuku mind provided several options and theories but the way that Sir Nighteye talked implied that All Might likely didn't know Sir Nighteye was here since All Might had given the quirk to Izuku with nothing that implied it was meant for anyone else. No, All Might implied that he didn't want the quirk dying with him so he passed it on so he did that. Unless All Might came asking for it back then Izuku had no plans of giving it up since it would help him achieve his dreams of becoming a hero and saving people! 

As such, Izuku chose to play dumb. "Sir, I don't know what you mean or are getting at?" Izuku said and Sir Nighteye frowned a bit. "Listen here... what you were given is meant to be a symbol and not a plaything so it doesn't seem fit for someone like yourself to keep a hold of what you were given. You can either agree to hand it over to someone I find more suitable to become the next vessel or I can take harsher measures. The choice is yours so decide now." Sir Nighteye said and that statement rubbed Izuku completely wrong. 'Does he means someone quirkless shouldn't hold this power? It seems this man is just like all other people that look down on quirkless people. Even though I have a quirk the staff and students at my school haven't treated me any better since no one would believe me when I said I had a quirk since I refuse to illegally use my quirk.' Izuku thought as he gritted his teeth. "Once again, I have no idea what you are talking about. I was under the impression you were asking for information about a case I must have witnessed but it seems your here implying I stole something instead. You do realize this is illegal since you lied to my mother and started interrogation of a minor without legal representation or their guardian since you lied to the said guardian to do t his illegal interrogation?" Izuku said and Sir Nighteye frowned even more as he looked at Izuku. He then stood up and told Izuku that he chooses to take the rough method instead.  

Soon Inko came back into the room with a frown on her face that confused Izuku until she spoke. "Izuku, this hero says you stole something from All Might. What did you do and if you did it then you need to hand it over right now!?" Inko said with a pissed tone which left Izuku s stunned as he looked at Sir Nighteye who had a smirk on his face. 'Oh... he is really going to smear my name, isn't he? I am highly doubtful All Might approved of this!' Izuku thought as he clenched his hands. "Mother I don't know what he is implying I stole. He's never even told me what I've stolen so how would I know if I had it or not which I don't. You had found me that day as well and would have known if I had something that didn't belong to me so how could you believe him?" Izuku asked as he looked at his mother who huffed as she asked Sir Nighteye what exactly did her son steal. 

Sir Nighteye looked trapped for a few moments before he looked at her with a small smile. "Ma'am... to be honest with you. Your son somehow stole All Might's quirk. That is the reason All Might hadn't made public appearances lately though I request you keep silent about this since it would cause chaos if it got out. Somehow your son was able to take his quirk and I am here trying to get your son to return it to us." Sir Nighteye said as he bowed his head and Izuku was stunned since that was complete bullshit and lies! Izuku now knew that All Might had no knowledge of this conversation going on nor likely knew Sir Nighteye was even here either since Izuku didn't steal anything! Inko though was shocked and stunned until she remembered her son recently awoken a quirk. She explained as such to Sir Nighteye who nodded his head and said that it was indeed All Might's quirk. 

"IZUKU I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU DID IT BUT YOU WILL RETURN THE NUMBER ONE HEROS QUIRK RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" Inko yelled at him and Izuku shrunk in on himself since his mother has never been like this to him. He was afraid that she was going to hit him. "I didn't steal anything! As such, there is nothing to return!" Izuku said out loud with a bit more tone than he expected of himself which made things worst as Inko slapped him across the face which stunned Izuku and stunned Inko as well but she snapped out of it. "I am sorry I hit you son but go to your room. Until you decided to return what you stole which I still don't understand how you did it then you will stay in your room. I will figure out what to do about your school as well." Inko said and Izuku retreated to his room in silence but looked at Sir Nighteye one more time who looked a bit disturbed as he watched a child be hit in front of him but the man just clenched his hands and ignored Izuku as he spoke to Inko.

Izuku could hear them from his room since it was close enough and he left his door slightly open as well. He heard them talk about trying to figure a way out to force Izuku to hand the quirk over one way or another. Inko talked about how Izuku always wanted to be a hero and Sir NIghteye said that Izuku must have been greedy and decided to take the quirk for his own somehow so he could try to live out his dreams even though his school records would never allow him to. "I see your son has created a lot of issues at school which would end up preventing him from getting into most prestigious schools like UA anyway." Sir Nighteye said and Inko said she knew. "He always claimed that he never did any of it and that they were always putting the blame on him. I had believed him but it turns out my son was nothing but a lie and a thief all of this time. I regret so much now..." Inko said and those words broke Izuku's heart. Sir Nighteye told her that he would return in a few days to see if Izuku had come to his senses on giving the quirk up and she said he would not be going to school for a while until he agreed to give it up.

Later that night Inko went to Izuku's room and told him that he wouldn't be fed dinner since he decided to be a thief. She told him to think of it as punishment for all of the lies he has told her over the years of never starting things at school. Izuku tried to tell her that he didn't steal anything but she ended up smacking him again. It was at that time that Izuku knew that his mother stopped caring for him and it was all due to Sir Nighteye framing him. 'All Might... I truly hope you have nothing to do with this.... Please don't be like everyone else. I want to save people with a smile!' Izuku thought as he went to sleep that night but he had something happen to him that he didn't expect to happen. When he went to sleep he woke up in another place that he didn't know of. The place was a dark void with ruins all around him. As Izuku looked around he heard a voice call out to him and he headed off in that direction to find the voice and he soon did as he found a group of people waiting for him. "Hello, Izuku Midoriya or should we say the ninth user of One For All. We see you have found yourself in a sticky situation and we are here to help you." said one of the people and Izuku was downright confused about what was going on. 

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