Chapter 25: The Bakugo Family!

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3rd POV:

After the U.S.J. attack had happened, Bakugo was sitting in the classroom giving his statement and being healed by Recovery Girl like everyone else but his mind was elsewhere. Indeed, his mind was back in the U.S.J. but not out of fear or trauma. No, it was going back to the voice of Raiden as it felt and sounded so familiar that he knew it but didn't know where. He couldn't think of anyone that was his age that would have that voice because there was one thing Bakugo was sure about and it was that Raiden was the same age as them or roughly around it. Soon he snapped back to what was going around him as the detective said he was done taking all of their statements but would need them all to wait in the room until they were cleared to go by the school. 

However, Bakugo zoned out once again as he saw Raiden step right in front of their classroom door as if time slowed down. Bakugo saw the eyes of Raiden that had been slightly covered by the hood as the light was just right to see them and what Bakugo saw shook him to the core as he realized who he believed the voice belonged to. 'Was that... was that Izuku?' Bakugo thought as he saw the green eyes that reminded him of emeralds. However, he knew he couldn't go after Raiden and confirm his theory of Raiden being Izuku Midoriya but that didn't mean he was not going to figure it all out! No, instead he proposed a plan to his parents when he got home as he informed them of what he thought and what he heard.

As Bakugo sat on the couch with his mother which his relationship with had gotten better after all of the therapy and even family therapy he spoke to her and his father. "You both know about the attack on the school off-site building, the U.S.J. right?" Bakugo asked and they said they did and asked if he was okay which he said he was fine. "I'm fine but I need your help with something. There is a teacher's assistant at UA for the first-years who I want to know the identity of and I need your help." Bakugo said and they asked why he wanted to know the person's name and face when they might hide it for reason. The parents were shocked to learn their child's theory of Raiden being Izuku Midoriya which got their agreement on the plan quickly.

Mitsuki Bakugo was on the phone within moments as she called UA to talk to the Principal about setting up a meeting between their family, Nezu, and Raiden. Nezu had tried to get Eraserhead in the meeting as well to help keep it calm but Mitsuki was smart and said they wanted it to be a private meeting only for those she asked for which Nezu had to accept since she was the parent of said child. After the phone call was over, she informed the family that they had a meeting the following day at the school at noon. 

Skipping to the next day, Bakugo with his parents arrived at the school to find Eraserhead waiting for them at the gate since the school was on a higher locked down so they had to be escorted into the school since the parents didn't have a student or staff id to get onto campus. As they walked into the building, Eraserhead stopped outside of the principal's office where he turned to the family and gave them a warning, "I have an idea on what you are after by having this meeting. I'll warn you to drop any preconceived ideas you had since they are likely wrong." Eraserhead said as he turned around and left them standing in front of Nezu's office. They were about to knock when the door just opened up where they found one Principal Nezu sitting at his desk.

"Come in!" He called for them as they entered and sat down. "Am I a dog, A bear, a mouse? Who knows but I am the Principal of UA, Nezu! Now, how may I help you in today's meeting?" Nezu asked as he blatantly ignored the fact that Raiden (Izuku) wasn't in the room like they requested as Nezu was hoping they would have forgotten about it by some miracle. Sadly, they didn't as they asked if Raiden was going to join the meeting as requested which made Nezu nod his head as he snapped his paw (finger?). The Bakugo's were confused until they noticed someone to their side had appeared out of nowhere but Bakugo remembered how Raiden had moved around so fastly at the U.S.J. so he wasn't completely caught off guard but it was still shocking to find someone in the room that wasn't before.

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