Chapter 19: Entrance Exam!

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3rd POV:

The remaining time before the UA entrance exam came to an end and Izuku was now sitting at 80% control of his quirk which was really damn good of him considering he had all of the other quirks as well on top of that control. Izuku had been pushing his limits lately during his physical training which resulted in the increase in his control like he had wanted to get before the exams had arrived. Izuku had also finished his second year of college work as well so Izuku now only had two years of college work before he obtained his bachelor's degree in quirk science as he was doing amazing in the major focused classes but still had to learn everything else from his other subjects which were slowing him down in his honest views but he still wanted a higher education. 

Outside of the training and education, Izuku had also been steadily increasing his fan base on social media as he now had about 100,000 followers on his social media. Izuku had decided to take more advantage of his social media and was more of himself as he would post things like workout routines, quirk theories on how to apply different types of quirks, and other things that just came from the inside of himself. Izuku had kept engaging with his followers to ensure they stayed active with him and he stayed active with them as well.

In other news, Izuku did keep up to date with his adoptive sibling Shinso who was doing a decent job at the training that Eraserhead had put him through. Izuku didn't know the chances of Shinso passing the actual exam since it was heavily biased against him but Izuku hoped Shinso remembered the hint about the shut-off buttons that he gave him that one day. Though, it would be up to Shinso himself to put the work in. As Izuku thought about Shinso, he had finally arrived at the front gates of UA since he had been out on an early morning jog and didn't want to stay on campus so he ran to the beach and back for a wake-up exercise.

As Izuku walked towards the gates to enter the campus he got stopped by someone with blue hair and glasses that seemed judgmental of everyone around him. 'This kid is a hardliner when it comes to rules. His personality also reminds me of Sir Nighteye which pisses me off.' Izuku thought as Sir Nighteye was someone who was really stiff and thought himself higher than others in Izuku's view like the blue-haired kid did. "Sorry, what did you say since I was in my thoughts?" Izuku asked as he had completely ignored the kid which seemed to have irritated him even more. The blue hair kid introduced himself again as Tenya Iida and he was telling Izuku that he should be in his middle school uniform. Izuku just slightly nodded his head but then said, "Yea, no I don't have one since I never went to middle school, to begin with. I did online classes. anyway, you are about to  be late to sign up for the exam if you are wanting to check in." Izuku said as he pointed at his clock which he had moved to be thirty minutes ahead just to fuck with the person named Tenya Iida.

Iida stiffened up and hanked Izuku for giving him the time and quickly walked towards the check-in while Izuku just vanished into the campus using his quirk without anyone noticing. Izuku then appeared inside of his home where he found Nezu finishing some things as he waved to Izuku. "I'll get change and we can head down to the control room. I'm not taking the exam am I since I am going to be a part of the staff?" Izuku asked as he grabbed something to drink. "Indeed, you won't be since you are already in college and only need the training that will happen privately with the staff. Your main focus is teaching and hero work since the commission was greatly pleased with all of the cases you have finished. They don't care if you don't formally attend as a student and accept you being a teacher's assistant." Nezu said which made Izuku nod his head as he walked to his room to get some clothes to change into after showering.

After the shower, Izuku walked downstairs in his hero outfit with his hood pulled upwards. "I am ready to go when you are," Izuku said and Nezu closed his laptop and put it in a bag as he jumped on Izuku's shoulder. Soon they made their way across campus and as they were walking, Izuku muttered how he wished he could take others into the mist with him. Nezu asked why he doesn't try which Izuku responded with that the original quirk user tried and it turned into a nasty death of the person he tried to do it with. 

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