Chapter 16: Mission!?

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3rd POV:

The remaining time had passed and it was now the following week which meant that Izuku's Provisional License had finally arrived! Izuku was thrilled to find out that it had arrived and had quickly made his way to the Principals office from the gym he was currently hiding away in and working out at since he wanted to increase his control even more. As Izuku entered the Principals office without even bothering to knock he found DadZu (Nezu) sitting at his desk working as he held up with one hand the Provisional License card that Izuku was here for. As Izuku went and reached for it with a huge grin on his face, Nezu pulled it away making Izuku pout at that moment. "DadZu! It's not nice to flaunt something in front of your child and deny them what they are aiming for!" Izuku said with a puff of his cheeks trying to act all adorable and innocent which has worked wonders on getting something from All Might but sadly it never tends to work on Nezu.

Nezu just chuckled and reminded Izuku that the trick doesn't work on him like it does with Yagi and Izuku rolled his eyes as he sat down. "I assuming you have something for me to do right away as a Provisional Hero?" Izuku asked and Nezu smile grew but only by a small fraction that most people don't notice but Izuku does and he knew he was right.  "Indeed, We've decided to not have you appear with All Might for a bit of time since we are going to build your name up first so you will mainly do your work-study under me and Aizawa for now. As such, we already have a case you are going to be perfect for!" Nezu said as he turned around and told Izuku to follow him into the side room attached to the office. As Izuku entered he could see case files which Izuku assumed to be his mission.

Izuku started to read over the documents Nezu handed him and saw why he was going to be going on this mission. The mission he would working on what a kidnapping ring that had been kidnapping children with all different quirks that most would deem 'villainous' as it was believed that the group was taking these children to turn them into villains since some in society would just ignore the fact that they had gotten kidnapped and forced into the work instead of helping them as the traumatized children they were. Izuku felt a special type of hatred for these types of villains that would dare do this to children. 

"From what I see in the files, the reason I am being requested is due to the fact that their main base is on the small island of Toshima. The villains have wiped out all of the Pro Heros on the island and are terrorizing the residents as well since the Island only had about 1,000 citizens total. This meant only a small police force and about 2 to 3 Pro Heroes were ever on the Island, to begin with. Now though there is only the small police force that had to submit to the villain control and then no Pro Heros due to their deaths." Nezu said and Izuku asked when the Island fell under the villain's control and how many villains are on the Island as far as the government knew. Nezu nodded his head and pulled another sheet of paper and gave it to Izuku.

The details listed the fact that there were now about 200 villains on the Island which was part of the reason that the commission and government realized what had happened to the Island as it was unnatural for such a jump in population to happen. There was the issue of the Pro Heroes having been reported dead but the villain group had dumped the bodies on the mainland of Japan so it took a bit of time for it to be connected to the Island since there has never been a large number of Villains or crime on the Island. The villains had also gained control of the Island for about 4 months now though they have been operating on it for roughly 6 months now since they had been slowly increasing their numbers to take over the Island without tipping the local police and heroes off before it was too late which they were successful in doing.

"Now, the reason you are a perfect fit for this entire operation is due to the fact of your quirks. From about 5:00 AM to about 10:00 AM there is typically a heavy mist on the Island that rolls in from out at sea and covers most of the Island. As you can guess, this means that you can go in on a small boat and be undetected as you can become one with the natural mist and since the entire Island is covered naturally it will allow you to not exhausted yourself in making the Mist to travel through the entire Island at a fast pace." Nezu said and Izuku nodded his head since it was indeed a very good reason for him having been picked for the mission. Overall, he would be able to go to the Island and go undetected since anyone that comes to the Island via other means would be watched heavily by the villains to ensure their operations are not broken. 

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