Chapter 9: On The Hunt!

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3rd POV:

Principal Nezu was standing in the staff room of UA when an alarm on his phone went off. He quickly pulled it out and dropped his teacup which shocked the staff since they all knew how much their boss loved his tea. Eraserhead having the balls decided to ask what freaked their boss out until they all saw him run out of the room quickly. This concerned them all but their boss would tell them if something was really wrong and they needed to deal with it. While they were doing that, Nezu had quickly run to his office since he had just learned that someone had successfully hacked into UA. Nezu had multiple reactions which included shock since he made the system himself and thrill since he could hunt the person down since he hasn't had a challenge in hacking for a while!

Nezu quickly arrived in his office ignoring all of the students that freaked out seeing him run quickly. Nezu turned his computer screen on and looked ready to start tracking the hacker down when he noticed a chatbox on his screen. 'Oh? The person wants to talk?' Nezu thought as he ran a program to check for trojan horses and any other virus in the chatbox but found none so he deemed it safe enough to talk through it. Nezu typed out his message and sent it.

Nezu = Principal Nezu, Nainsu = The Ninth in Japenese aka Izuku Midoriya

Nezu: Hello, how may I help the individual who decided to hack my school?

Nainsu: Hello, Principal Nezu.

When Nezu saw the name that went across his screen he froze for a second before typing out a message. 'Could this be a joke or is it meaning what I hope it means?' Nezu thought since they haven't had any clues on the ninth user of One For All for years even though All Might said he knew the user was still alive due to One For All telling him somehow that they are alive.

Nezu: Oh? That is an interesting name you have taken. Does it have any meaning and connection to why you decided to hack into my school?

Nainsu: Indeed it does however you know the true meaning of what Nainsu means. As such, can you pass a message on for me to ensure it doesn't get caught by nosey eyes and ears?

Nezu: I can most certainly pass it on to who I believe you intend the message for. 

Nainsu: Here is the message then.

Nainsu: In an alley of blood we met, you told me to trust the past and I did. Now it's your turn to trust the past and be guided to the future. Though be warned those formerly at your side sought the future in greed and caused harm so be wary of those you bring to seek the future or else you risk not being guided by the past. 

Nainsu: I hope my message can be delivered and trust well placed in you Nezu. Hopefully, you and he will understand the meaning I have placed in this message. Until we meet Principal Nezu!


Nezu sat there looking at his screen in astonishment as he could not track the individual down. 'The 9th user has skills that he has acquired... I wasn't able to track him down or break down his defenses to track him down in time before the chat ended. Though the message he has left us is worrisome...' Nezu thought as he grabbed his phone and made the call to the man that the message is intended for. After a few rings, All Might answered the phone. "Ah! Principal Nezu! How may I help you since our meeting for me to teach there isn't for a few more months?" All Might asked and Nezu took a breath before he spoke. "All Might... I need you to come to my office at once. I've received a troubling message that you need to receive in person. Don't tell anyone about you coming here as we have a large issue. It deals with the alley all those years ago if you know what I mean?" Nezu said and All Might was silent before saying he would arrive by the late afternoon before UA lets out. Nezu thanked him and decided to prepare for the meeting.

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