Chapter 32: Summer Camp Pt 3: Uninvited Guest!

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3rd POV:

As Izuku woke up for the third day of the summer camp he felt as something was going to happen and danger sense agreed as it was moving below Izuku's skin with the sensations of going off but it wasn't going off on a certain thing or person. No, it was just going off in general that something was going to happen and it couldn't sense right now what the threat to Izuku was as it wasn't close enough or wasn't triggering it enough but overall it was being sensed. Izuku looked around him in the room he was sleeping in and didn't see anything with him that would trigger it but he could hear the students and others that were already awake. Izuku looked at the clock and it was about 30 minutes from when he normally would get up. 

Moving out from his bed he was provided, Izuku walked to the window and looked outside and could see some clouds in the air. 'It's decent enough to use for defense and traveling in the air...' Izuku thought as he started to prepare for whatever was triggering danger sense since this feeling hasn't happened before. Izuku reached out to the users to see if they had any guess but none of them had any clear guess that would trigger the quirk like it was doing as even the original user didn't know since it hasn't happened like that for him since he spent his life in the forest training One For All for the next generation. 

After a bit, Izuku found Eraserhead and pulled him aside so others with hearing boosted quirks couldn't hear it. "What's wrong?" Eraserhead asked since Izuku's facial expression was off from his normal smile as if it was a bit forced. "Danger Sense is going off to something. I don't know what causes it to trigger but it's not stopping at all and even the past users have no clue why it's going off non-stop without targeting onto something directing." Izuku said to Eraserhead who tensed up a bit. Eraserhead was silent for a bit before nodding his head. He told Izuku that he would warn all of the other Pro Heros for them to be on guard and the moment danger sense changes to something more direct then they would take action but they would also alert UA to see what Nezu wants to do about it.

Hours passed as the students worked on their quirks and Izuku even got involved in some of it to help give them a stronger opponent that they needed to work on overcoming but Izuku only used a minimal amount of his quirk and stamina since he was still on guard due to his danger sense which has only gotten worst in the feeling. After doing a few rounds he alerted Aizawa of the change and Aizawa said that Nezu wanted them to leave that night so they would return to campus. All Might and other heroes were on the route already to join up with them at the camp and would be in time for the departure which was in three hours.

As the sun started to set and it was almost time for the departure, Izuku's danger sense triggered. 'DANGER! DANGER! ALL FOR ONE! DANGER! DANGER!' The quirk kept saying and kept throwing All For One's name in the messages. All of the past users were caught off guard by the quirk and wondered why All For One would come to face Izuku already instead of trying to pull Izuku into a trap in a populated area. However, Izuku had a guess it was due to the fact that All Might wasn't here and would only arrive after the battle had started and likely ended as well which horrified the past users since Izuku was right. All Might was about 35 minutes away still from the campsite with all of the other heroes and even if All Might jumped away it would still take about 15 minutes with what remained of All Might's powers.

As all of the students were gathering their supplies like ordered which confused them, Izuku quickly appeared and yelled out, "EVERYONE TO THE BUSSES NOW! ERASERHEAD GET EVERYONE OUT OF HERE!" Izuku yelled as he charged up One For All to the max and started to float off the ground with black whips coming out of both of his wrists. He also started to have a light fog/mist come in so he could do quick movements without being hit. Everyone was confused but Eraserhead snapped back to reality and knew Izuku wouldn't be going off like that without something really posing a danger since he could feel the power radiating off Izuku. "Everyone drop your things and get to the bus right now! FORGET EVERYTHING ELSE AND WORRY ABOUT YOUR DAMN LIVES!" Eraserhead yelled out and everyone started to move after that with screams going on. As Izuku was about to go deeper into the forest where he felt the danger coming from, he felt a hand on his side which turned out to be Kota.

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