Chapter 3: One For All!?

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3rd POV:

Izuku Midoriya went to bed that night starving because even though he didn't eat dinner he was far hungrier than just missing one meal due to the fact that the bullies at school stole his lunch. Izuku cried quite a bit but stifled his tears since he refused to admit he stole anything because All Might had willing given him the quirk and he didn't want to lose his chance at his dreams to become a hero. He wanted to become the number one hero but he didn't really care about that in the grand scheme of things when he would rather become a hero just to save people and make them feel safe. As Izuku slept he ended up waking up in a dark void that confused him since he didn't know where he was.

Soon he heard a voice call out for him so he followed the voice and soon found the location of the voice which revealed to be from multiple people calling out to him. "Hello, Izuku Midoriya or should we say the ninth user of One For All. We see you have found yourself in a sticky situation and we are here to help you." said one of the people and Izuku was downright confused about what was going on. Soon a lady walked up to him and hugged him as she apologized for the actions of her successor's sidekick. "Please trust me when I say my successor All Might would not in a good state of mind ever approve of what his sidekick did. From what we know from the bits we get from All Might's echo is that he woke up for a brief moment in the hospital and spoke of you having One For All since he passed it on before blacking out again." said the women that hugged Izuku and he was shocked at what he heard.

"Okay! Can someone please explain what is going on and what is One For All. I am assuming it's the quirk I received from All Might but can I get the full story since Sir Nighteye just turned my mother against me and I am likely going to get abused soon." Izuku said and all of their faces twisted a bit at that statement but the person with white hair stood up and nodded his head. "Indeed, you are owed the truth from us since you have been trusted in an unknown situation." said the man as he introduced himself as the first user. "You can call me first since my name has long been lost to time so it doesn't matter. The lady next to you is Nana Shimura the 7th user of One For All and the master of All Might. The others will be introduced to you in time but for now, let's focus on us three." said the First which Izuku nodded his head as the scene around him changed and they were now sitting at a table.

"First let's talk about the quirk itself. Good job on managing so far and not destroying yourself due to how powerful it has grown. The quirk you have is a legacy quirk from the dawn of the quirks and is called One For All. This quirk was created due to it combing with my quirk that I nor my brother knew I had. My brother forced a quirk upon me since I stood in the way of his destruction and ruling of Japan during the dawn of the quirks. My brother took the name of his quirk which is All For One and our quirk is called One For All. We are the polar opposite of him as we stand for justice and stopping his plans. However, it's taken all of these years for the 8th user of One For All aka All Might to defeat my brother or so we think since we don't have that information as we never saw his dead body since the 8th user didn't see it. All we know is that the 8th user caved his skull in but my brother has many quirks due to his quirk allowing him to take, give, and combine quirks which have allowed him to live for the past two centuries since the dawk of quirks. Are you still with me so far 9th?" Said the first user and Izuku nodded his head as Nana Shimura just rubbed Izuku's hair which felt nice since it was a lovely gesture that contrasted his mother's overbearing 'love' that she would give.

"My brother wanted to rule Japan but since I could pass my quirk on it only grew in power with each user as they added onto the power as they passed 100% of the quirk's strength. My brother has also hunted down everyone that has to wield this quirk so you need to be careful since he might be alive still but we don't know for sure. Now, to the issue of you being the 9th... Sir Nighteye had no right to try and make you give it up. All Might gave you the quirk so it is yours now to do as you wish and we only ask you to use it for good. not even ALl Might has the right to ask you to give it back either." Said the first user and Izuku brought up a point that Sir Nighteye said. "What about if All Might had someone he intended to pass this quirk on before he had no choice?" Izuku asked and Nana shook her head as she talked. "He didn't have anyone lined up to take it. As such, you were the only person in his mind. As such, you can say you were lucky that you were there but it is also fate in a way. Do you think we were chosen to wield the quirk Izuku?" She asked and he said yes but she told him no. "Almost every single one of us expects Toshinori aka All Might was given the quirk in the heat of the moment since all before I were hunted down by All For One and were forced to make snap decisions," Nana said, as memories flood his mind of the past users passing the quirk on.

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