Chapter 13: Beach Training!

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3rd POV:

A few days had passed and Izuku had agreed to meet All Might at the beach where they would be training at. Izuku changed into some workout clothes and took a small bag with drinks and energy bars so he could refresh himself when he took some breaks. After about a 30-minute jog from UA early in the morning before the students had arrived on campus, he made his way towards the beach. Once he arrived after the 30-minute run he looked over the beach and nodded his head at what he saw. "They really did let this beach go to waste with all of this trash..." Izuku said out loud to no one in particular when he heard All Might's voice from behind him. "Indeed my boy! The city had failed to maintain the beach and now it has become an illegal dumping site since some trash had washed up on the shore many years ago." All Might said as Izuku turned to face him. Izuku greeted him and they both looked over the trash beach together and started to talk about how he was going to be cleaning it.

 Izuku greeted him and they both looked over the trash beach together and started to talk about how he was going to be cleaning it

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"Overall, start small and move upwards but also do some bigger things as well. I think with your current condition you could clean this all in five months' time which does include you doing other things half of the day like finishing your high school education. Nezu told me he wants you to get a teaching certificate and I am working on mine as well. I think he may have you help me teach my class since I will be teaching Heroics 101." All Might said and Izuku nodded his head since he remembers something about that being mentioned by Nezu very late last night right before he went to sleep.

Izuku though had a question about All Might's OFA. "Hey, Toshi, how much is your limit right now?" Izuku asked and All Might understood the question and he was silent for a second before looking out at the sea through the small window in the trash. "As it stands I have about 6 hours total left. It would have been likely less but I conversed as best as I could since I needed to find you no matter what. Though I can feel it slipping away... by the time you start at UA I likely will have 4 hours most likely or something like that as long as I keep conversing my energy as best as I can." All Might said and Izuku nodded his head. Soon Izuku got to work on the trash pile as he followed along with the plan that All Might had put out for him. Overall it was a mixture of moving the garbage most of the time and then a set routine that was a bit harsher than the one Izuku was already doing.

All Might had arranged for a dumpster to be placed on the street since he knew Izuku was going to make fast progress with the amount of cleanup. As such, a normal pick up truck would be wasteful in gas since he would need to make a large number of trips between the beach and the dump so a dumpster was a far better solution and a truck would come and pick it up every afternoon since All Might didn't care about the expense. Izuku decided to ask more questions to All Might like what was his favorite thing to do in his past time and All Might said it was to watch old cartoon shows from long ago. "A lot of cartoons now these days have me in them... I don't really want to watch myself all of the time since that is just freaky. Watching the really old cartoons from before quirks came around is quite nice." All Might said and Izuku nodded his head. "When I was still quirkless I used to watch all of those old shows and just dream of getting a quirk or figuring a way out to replicate the technology so I could become a hero as well. Ironically, I kind of got it in a similar way that Spider-Man did but instead of being bitten I was given via blood which honestly wasn't as bad as I thought it would be since I didn't really notice that you had done it until much later on since I was in shock at the sight before me during those times." Izuku said and All Might chuckled and apologized for forcing the life he did on him all that time ago.

Izuku waved it off. "I am glad you did it. Indeed, I would have liked to be a quirkless hero but I can do so much more with the powers I have unlocked. I can advocate for so much change far more than I could any other way. Also, would I really have a DadZu, Dadzawa, and a Dadmight to help me beat people up or come up with crazy plans?" Izuku said with a smirk and All Might rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Who knows, you were likely going to do crazy stuff regardless so I wouldn't be surprised if Nezu somehow got his hands on you with those analysis books of yours." All Might said as he felt a shiver down his back and figured Nezu knew he was talking about him somehow. While he said that Nezu broke out into a wide smile in his office since he felt as if someone was talking in fear of him. 'Oh, I enjoy making the humans fear me!' Nezu thought before sipping his tea and going back to work. 

Soon the day started to come to an end and Izuku looked over what he had accomplished. Overall there was a decent size dent in the trash he was working on since he was already in an extremely good physical condition to began with but this training on the beach would only make his muscles, even more, firmer and compact. They decided to call it a day as Izuku headed back to UA since the students would be off-campus already which meant they wouldn't see him. Izuku wanted to avoid getting seen by anyone and especially the current second-year student LeMillion who was a work-study at Sir Nighteyes agency. Nezu had warned Izuku about him and told him to avoid the boy if he could since he might have learned something from Sir Nighteye but they don't know if he has or not. Izuku agreed with the assessment and agreed to avoid the second-year student if he could do so. LeMillon aka Mirio Togata had an interesting quirk called permeation that was a weak quirk but grown into being a strong one with his fighting style.

Izuku sat down on the couch after showing and changing clothing. "How was the training?" Nezu asked as he came up to the couch and jumped on it. Izuku shrugged a bit. "It was indeed a decent work-out. I can see why All Might wants me to clean it more than just it being a community service project since it does work a lot of my less worked muscles that wouldn't get worked in a gym most of the time. I already filled the dumpster up once so I am glad  he is having it picked up once every day or else I would overfill it." Izuku said and Nezu nodded his head as he was glad the training and community service were being beneficial for Izuku's training. They soon started to eat dinner as Nezu asked him if he wanted to do some educational work in regards to learning to better hack. Izuku smiled and nodded his head as he quickly finished eating dinner since he wanted to get started on those types of lessons.

He was also making strong headway in the remaining portions of his high school education since the classes were self-paced. As such, Izuku had used any free time outside of other things to eat away at the work and he knew he could have it done in a few months most likely since he only spent so much time each day working on it. If he spent dedicated days on it then he could have it done in less than a month probably but again that would require full dedicated days with nothing else in the way for the entire time which he didn't have right now with the other training and things going on.

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