Chapter 27: Nomu's & Saving

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3rd POV:

Izuku arrived back at UA and saw the staff moving about in the staff room when he arrived. As he opened the door he had all eyes upon him as Midnight, Eraserhead, and PresentMic all stood up and hugged him out of nowhere. "Um, okay?" Izuku said as he was confused about why they were hugging him. Midnight spoke up first, "Thank you for saving Ingenium, we went to school together with him and he's a close friend. When we got told that Stain almost got him it scared us but we are thankful you showed up to save him in time." Midnight said which explained why the three of them had gotten hug and hugged Izuku. Izuku just nodded his head and said it was fine as everything came out okay in the end.

As Izuku sat down at his desk to do some paperwork for the school when he received a text message from Nezu. The message alerted him that he overheard a conversation earlier in the day that the UA's current big three which included LeMillon wanted to figure out who Raiden was since it was known on campus that he worked at the school. Izuku had asked Nezu if he knew if Sir Nighteye was behind LeMillon wanting to know or was it the own boy's curiosity which turns out it was only the boy's desire so far. 'This is going to be annoying if Sir Nighteye gets any hints on who I am... I am doubtful he's given up the search since he's pushed Nezu to get All Might to consider Mirio even without knowing that All Might had found me.' Izuku thought. Izuku changed Nezu for the warning and would be careful around them.

As such, this is how Izuku spent the next few weeks that he had spent on campus outside of doing Heroic work. The big 3 would come around the first-year classes during breaks or before lunch would end to try and get a look at Izuku. It was now approaching the start of the Internship week as all of the first-years would go out to start their internships on Monday since the school needed a bit of time to get the requests and send them back out. As such, Izuku was currently switching between 1-A & 1-B as he explained what the classes would be doing on their internships for the most part.

After Izuku finished explaining everything headed to the staff room where All Might wanted to talk to him. Izuku walked in to find his pops sitting next to the window looking outside of it as the light rain went on outside. "Sup Pops," Izuku said as he sat down and took the tea that All Might had prepared for them. "Hello, Izuku, good job on everything you have been doing. Your fan base has risen quite well with all of the work you do in highly crime-infested areas that other heroes don't go into often but also with that one major incident you were involved in. People are calling you the Hero of the People now in the media as they are still highly debating what you look like under the hood." All Might said with a chuckle. Izuku nodded his head and remembered how that tagline had gotten created in the past weeks.


Izuku was currently moving between cities as he had just finished up a large drug bust in one city just slightly north of Tokyo when the attack had happened. Izuku was using the mist quirk to fly through the clouds at a fast pace when he heard an ungodly screeching which reminded him of the creature from the U.S.J. which startled him a bit since that creature was strong. As Izuku tried to find where the sound came from he noticed a bright fire going on near the Royal Palace in Tokyo which housed the Emperor of Japan. Now, the Emperor wasn't purely a political puppet head like in the past before quirks came around.

Instead, the Imperial Family had regained a chunk of their power as they had taken leadership during the dark ages of Japan when All For One had come to power. No one really knows about All For One since he isn't mentioned in the history books nor is the dark ages talked about in detail since most don't know the truth from back then! The Imperial Family nowadays had more political power that rivaled equaled the Prime Minster and allowed them to submit law changes and veto law changes as they desired. Of course, the National Diet could overturn what the Emperor does but that is an entirely political process in itself!

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