Chapter 30: Summer Camp Pt 1.

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3rd POV:

Weeks have passed since the utter beatdown of the Big 3 of UA and it was now time for the summer training camp for the first-year students. Overall, it was decided that the camp would be changed to the Wild, Wild Pussycats training grounds in the forest since Nezu wanted to try and throw a curveball for the villains in any attempts to find the students. It was also decided that Izuku himself would attend the camp and relax somewhat since he had finally achieved 100% of the One For All strength aspect since he kept pushing his training to the extreme. This did result in him getting yelled at by Recovery Girl for what he was doing since he was nearly ripping his muscles and then having her heal him up which she discovered what he was doing since it helped speed up the process of training. Under normal situations, you expand your muscles by working out and they slightly tear and heal up which allows them to grow but Izuku was pushing it past that and tearing it quite a bit more.

He also did receive some chewing out by all of the past users who were pissed with him for doing what he did but Izuku shrugged it off since he had gained what he wanted to gain out of it. Everyone just shook their heads at his attitude about it but couldn't do anything really about it but Nezu did force Izuku to take a break by going to the camp to serve as a backup but also to just relax in the hot springs when Izuku could. As such, that is how Izuku found himself at the summer training camp for 1-A and 1-B as the 1-A bus came to a stop at a so-called rest stop but Izuku knew what Aizawa was doing which Izuku just lowly chuckled at.

The students of 1-A were standing near the ledge when the ledge fell from under them which sent them all tumbling down to the ground. As Izuku leaned over the edge he chuckled a bit but then felt danger sense go off as he turned around to meet Eraserhead's kick with one of his arms. "Did you just try to push me off?" Izuku asked with confusion in his voice when he felt the ground below him give away as he looked at the Wild, Wild Pussycats who had smirks on their faces. 

Izuku now found himself down on the ground even though he could have used floated, he choose not to as many didn't know about it yet. The students of 1-A looked at him in confusion and asked him why he was down below with them. "I don't know since this was meant to be a break and relaxation for me... so why am I down here Eraser?" Izuku said and then asked as he looked up to see a smirk on the man's face. "Nezu did say I can put you through some of the stuff we do for my enjoyment so I thought you might want to join them?" Eraserhead said and Izuku just rolled his eyes as he had just jumped onto a tree branch shocking them all since it didn't snap under his weight.

'It's all about how you apply your pressure to the tree branch, the thickness, and the location of where you stand on it. I also do use float slightly to help as well on the smaller branches.' Izuku thought as he just started to move towards the camp as he jumped between the branches and then stopped. He had a guess the true reason he was sent down to the bottom was to watch over the students in the event someone decided to attack the class since the other staff would be at the camp while they were still in the forest. Even though they had the search quirk from the wild, wild pussycat, it was still a good idea to keep a staff person nearby the students.

Skipping a few hours, the 1-A students dragged themselves up to the campsite where the staff was waiting and the moment they do Izuku walks right past them looking exactly like he did when he started out. Everyone in class 1-A asked why he didn't help and Izuku just grinned. "Why would I? This camp is meant to help you get stronger and if I did everything then you would never grow stronger. Are you wanting to be like the Big 3 in the future where I can just easily wipe the floor with them or do you want to be stronger than they could ever be?" Izuku asked knowing that his little Big 3 comment would help kick 1-A's determination into gear. This was the class that had gotten attacked and survived a large villain attack within weeks of starting the hero course. This was also the same class that had strong-willed people in it that just needed a push for them to strive to be better.

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