Chapter 11 : Confession

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Previously on NSSH:

Today, I feel something big has been brewing. I felt it yesterday as well, just lesser for today. It's something important, not for the special exam but for something else. I could feel it. I shake this feeling off since there was still the meeting later. It's now the last period before lunch. There was nothing to do though as we were given time for the special exam preparation. The school still haven't given additional informations and also she still haven't revealed herself. The video from the cafeteria fight must be from the WR student. She was the only one capable of hiding from me with the help of Acting Director Tsukishiro as well. I cannot just naturally take initiative as that would make me seem desperate. Anyway, as long as there are hints, I could find her anytime. Just a triggering hint would be fine.

I sighed internally. I wonder how many sighs I did now. I first need to prepare for the meeting later. I texted Horikita if she was ready. She responded with positive.

This meeting is gonna be the start of a new impactful wave in the school. It's ironic that the school wanted all classes to fight each other and now all classes from each grade are now connected. Yes. This meeting is gonna make an opening for an alliance for Classes A, B, C and D of the 2nd years.



I am now in the karaoke room but these people were casually just singing songs. How can they be this social? We were not yet in an alliance. I couldn't even sing properly as the music taught in White Room were classical music with instrumental music. I naturally have a great voice even with this me. I sighed for nth time.

I can see that each class brought 5-6 students. It was not cramped since we used the largest room for this occasion.

Class A had Sakayanagi Arisu, Kamuro Masumi, Hashimoto Masayoshi, Kitō Hayato and Katsuragi Kōhei. Ryūen still needed more for Katsuragi's transfer. Maybe during the discussion, he'll mention it.

Class B had Ryūen Kakeru, Ibuki Mio, Ishizaki Daichi, Yamada Albert, Kaneda Satoru and Shiina Hiyori.

Class C had themselves quite a line-up as well. Their charismatic and beautiful leader, Ichinose Honami, with her were Amikura Mako, Shiranami Chihiro, Shibata Sō and Kanzaki Ryūji.

And lastly, our class D has me, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, followed by Karuizawa Kei, Horikita Suzune, Kushida Kikyō, Hirata Yōsuke and Sudō Ken.

I was sitting between Kei, who was holding my hand while cheering for the singing Honami, and Hiyori, who was leaning her head on my shoulder while reading a book called [The Moving Finger].

The novel was about the siblings surnamed Burtons who arrived in a small village, they were then accused of beings lovers which was anonymously written in a letter. They are not the only ones to receive such accusations and there was even someone who was found dead with a letter next to her. There was also a detective at the final quarter of the book who was introduced after the police failed to solve the case. It was a great book.

I also wondered about power of lies and truths. Especially after knowing of Kushida's situation. Which is more harmful, lies or truths, I wonder? In my opinion, truths and lies are just a pair of similar ideas. No matter what, if the speaker is trusted or not, it would be given suspicion that brings conflicts. The damage depends on how the speaker says it and who the speaker is. I looked over at Kushida for a second and she seemed to have noticed my gaze as well. She looked at me and smiled. I don't know why her smile felt different. Is she still acting or was that genuine? I stopped thinking about this. Just when I averted my gaze, I felt two- no three people pinching me.

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