Chapter 15 : Multifarious Alliances and Disclosures IV

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Previously on NSSH:

Sounds of sighs can be heard across the room.

"Was that really okay now?"

"What are you talking about? You even put something crazy there?"

"What? I only wanna see Kiyotaka's pictures everyday."

Sora-chan and Shizu-chan bickered as they argued who put crazier conditions in the contract.

The girls sweatdropped as they could not believe these two heavenly beauties were thirsty for their darling.

"Okay, okay. Can you both stop now. It feels weird that I'm letting my boyfriend to have a harem. Seriously, I'm probably crazy." said Kei-chan.

"Fufu~ it's not bad. Kiyo-kun needs more girls to satisfy himself anyway." replied Arisu-sama.

"By the way, what is the name of that sister of yours, Sora-chan?" asked Fuka-neesama.

"Oh yeah, we didn't mention it." responded Sora-chan.

"Well, we also forgot to ask. What is her name, Sora-chan?" said Honami-chan.

"I can tell you, on one condition." said Sora-chan.

"Okay, what condition, Sora-chan?" asked Hiyori-tan.

"Please don't tell darling about her yet." pleaded Sora-chan.

"You should accept, everyone. D-darling will know it anyway." said Shizu-chan while blushing as she was still shy to call Kiyo-tan darling.

"Fine. Can you tell us now?" asked Suzu-chan.

"Well then, I'll say it. And don't forget this name. But act like you don't know if you ever hear it."

"Okay. Come on tell us now." said Nazuna-neechan.

Sora-chan sighed as she prepared to say the name. She closed her eyes. There was silence for a minute. She then opened her eyes and said

"Aria. Mizuki Aria. The second princess and my little sister."





Back to Present

The discussion for the Union of Classes A, B, C and D of 2nd year is ongoing. They made a deal of equal standing even though the class rankings says otherwise. It is because they handed the contract to their emperor of shadows. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Ever since the discussion started, Kiyo-tan has been giving unbelievable suggestions. All are perfect. Two loopholes for a trap and equally amazing conditions. They were getting chills as they could see his abilities now. Of course, all of them knew it was just the tip of the iceberg. If he could he wouldn't have explained the loopholes and such. A meticulous plan from a godly being.

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