Chapter 9 : Upcoming Inconveniences

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Previously on NSSH:

The students calmed themselves down to receive the announcement.

"The special exam is called..."

The class held their breath except for some. Suzune was gripping her hands together as she felt the pressure sensei is giving this time, with just words. Yousuke was nervous but he had a determined look in his eyes. Kei sat up properly to listen to the exam, maybe to help me. This girl really...

The Ayanokouji Group members, as well, were all focused.

"[ War ]" Sensei said.

What a weird and ironic naming sense.


Kiyo POV

"This is somewhat similar to your final exam last year but on a larger scale. You will have to choose 20 students to participate in the [ War ]. Make sure that they are not weak in physical activities. Although, I doubt you have the necessary amount of physically capable students. Next will be the points. You have 500 points and you will have to spend all of these whether you like or not as the remaining points is not gonna be added to the class points anyway. You will make your own camp in an uninhabited island-"





Sensei produced an annoyed expression for a while and silenced the class with her warning.


The others were excited but most still had a dark face as they could realize that living in an uninhabited is unpleasant. I could somehow get Ike about going swimming in the sea but unfortunately, I believe he is gonna be chosen with us by Horikita.
Sae continued explaining the rules after my class calmed down.

"This exam consist of 4 parts. These four are;

[ Warfare ] which is the first 5 days of the special exam. It is the event for clash of classes in the same grade.

[ Blitz ] will happen for the remaining time then. Any class and any grade could attack a class and make the King, retire or capture the King with any means necessary.

[ Showdown ]; just to be clear this event are just challenges and bouts and it consists of multiple events. The events are gonna be announced starting from the 2nd week.

[ Brawl ] is the last event of the special exams. It will happen 3 days before the end of the exam. The first day is the elimination then the second day and third day is the finals. The first class who has 3 wins first will have the victory. Each class has to choose 5 students to fight each other on a stage. You could use anything as long as it is not hard weapons like knife, metal/wooden swords, chairs, plates or the likes. You can use something like rope, towels and other things that are less harmful. The brawl starts with each class rankings in different grades against each other. Meaning, Class D fights with the other Class Ds and Class A versus Class As. The king should be one of the 5 joining in the brawl. To be fair, each Kings are males, the selection is hidden until the day we arrive in the island. The rewards are not gonna be announced until the last day. This exam does not focus solely on physical ability but the scheming and deductive ability, as well."

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