Chapter 2 : Angel's Rescue from the Devil's Plot?

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Previously on NSSH:

Kiyotaka: "I'm your best friend but that still hurt me, Suzune. Can't you hold back a bit?"
I said in a tone oozing in sarcasm. You know why.

Suzune: "W-what are you saying?!"

Kiyotaka: "What? You always do that to me even in my dorm room, why else would you do that?"
Heh, this is gonna be successful. Seeing as she's so flustered right now, I believe she is taking damage.

Suzune: "I just- wait what do you mean?! I've never gone to your room. Well not never, but I just went at night when we were planning as usual"

As she said this statement, not just the other students but I also tensed up. Even with her low voice, since the class was focusing on us they still heard it clearly and most of all, my dear girlfriend is glaring at me now. I wonder how no one noticed that. It backfired. Think.
Horikita, why'd you have to say that?


Kiyotaka POV

I'm still wondering how I could miscalculate the bluntness of this demon. I need to find a way before Sudo hears of this when he's free. I took a look around to find someone that can help me. Fortunately, I have quite the poker face on. Ugh! I need to come up with a plan. Kei can't help, while Satou, I don't wanna owe her since I rejected her. Hirata? Where are you when I need you? Akito, chad-bro help me. Why are averting your eyes? All boys are glaring at me too and the girls are surprisingly glaring at Horikita. I sighed


I heard soft steps coming from the hallway. It seems familiar, if I caught this sound it means she's close to me, my heart. Unfortunately, I don't have a heart. I remember these footsteps. Elegant and soft. Now I just need to wait for 3 seconds before an angel will save me from this devil's plot. Is it really her plot? I think it just backfired to me.

Horikita who was about to open up her mouth to say something was stopped by the door opening. With that, I can see hope. If I was a manga character, I would've cried for happiness. Unfortunately, I'm just me.
(Little did he know )

???: "Uhm.. Ano, is Ayanokouji-kun here?"



We can see many Waifu camps in CotE community as it is a very essential aspect in this story. KeiCamp led by Full_time_Kei_Simp and Karuizawa_Kei35 from the center. ArisuCamp led by AriSimp_exe from the right. And many others simps including HiyoriIsBestGirl3 and SadistHiyoriFanatic who led HiyoriCamp. There are also MonikaAndIbukiSimp who is the simp leader in IbukiCamp, possibly PolygamyAllTheWay who has broken an unspoken taboo which is simp for all, also Adisial -sensei which can make any fanfic sensual (I hope not mine). And also Makucchi087 who is the god in this world. We still don't know his ranking and waifu tier-list. He is sadistic in other world but surprisingly caring in this world.

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