Chapter 16 : A Still Peaceful Picnic

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Previously on NSSH:

I could have made a plan with this, unfortunately the first round is not necessary for us, 2nd years. Unless, Ryuuen will make a plan to prank us by initiating a [Warfare], but I doubt he would wanna break our contract. Especially when he doesn't want to waste energy when he needs to go up against Fuka as well. He's probably realized it now. That contract was not just for some alliance but also protection from Class 3-B during the [Blitz]. I know Fuka. She would probably threaten her class now just for me. She would also probably tell her class that she would not help if they target us second years. We still need to wait for another three weeks before letting them all know the alliance between us. There are three weeks more so that means they will announce the additional rules and the events that will happen during [Showdown] during this time. Unfortunately, by the order of events, it would be announced after a week more which means we have 2 weeks to practice and train for the events. And we also have to properly train Akito, Yousuke, Sudo, and add Ike for insurance, even if he's just average. We need Kouenji in this too.
We still don't know who will be the Kings, so we would need the strongest students we could use. The [Brawl] is one of the main events that could help us 2nd win against other years.

I could now clearly feel excitement in my blood. Nagumo. 3rd years. 1st years. Housen. WR enforcer. Acting Director Tsukishiro. Let's see who's going to break and bend. There's no or in this. Only one will be the victor. Me or You.

I'll be looking forward to the battles now.


I stopped my monologues as I was about to eat the food in front of me. Fed by my girlfriend, of course.


(Nothing wrong here.)

We are now in the courtyard. With a mat, blanket and bentos. These girls are really dedicated. They've been doing this ever since Tuesday. For three days, we have been eating together. Tuesday, we went to the rooftop. Sae was actually there, smoking ho- a cigarette.

She stopped it as soon as I stepped out into the rooftop. She was also invited by the others, Haruka insisted as well. Yesterday, Chie jumped on me when we were about to go to the field. She joined us saying that since I have too many girlfriends, I haven't made time for her. Then join my harem then, sensei.

They made too many foods. There were sweets and desserts as well. They even made Osechi. It's not even New Year. I sighed inwardly and chew the food fed by my cute girlfriend. Scratch that, by one of my cute girlfriends.

"Kei-chan, that's unfair. I wanna feed darling too." said Honami.

I still get horny when they call me that.

"Anata~ do you want food, books or wa-ta-shi~?" said Hiyori.

NO NO NO. No, Hiyori. They corrupted you to this extent. At least you still are innocent, sweetie.

"Ano~ can you feed me now Kiyo?" asked Mako.

"M-Ma-Mako-chan?!" asked Chihiro as she was surprised by this.

"What? Is there a problem?" asked Mako.

"Nothing. But I thought that you don't like him that way." replied Chihiro.

"Ha. She was just lying, Chi-chan." said Haruka.

I really can't understand girls. If they just let me explore them, I'll immediately know everything about them. Kkuuhh, I can't stop anymore-

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