Chapter 20 : Blackmail?

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Previously on NSSH:

"Housen-kun, you shouldn't say that to my senpai, you know? And are you saying that I'm a slut, huh, Housen-kun?" asked Ichika.

"Didn't you show me your pantsu under the fuckin' table, ya bitch?" screamed Housen.

I don't know why, but I felt uncomfortable at it.

"Heh. You didn't look at it though, right?"
asked Ichika.

I was feeling really unpleasantI didn't wanna do this earlier but..

That's it. I was gonna do this anyway.


"Hai~ senpai."

I look at her in the eyes. She was still smiling mischievously. I showed a little darkness that isn't noticeable by the others.

"Let's break up."


Kiyo POV

"Eh?.... Oh? Senpai~ I didn't know you like to do abandonment plays~ and you like this kind too." said Ichika.

"Nothing like that. I just think it's too much of a bother having to deal with people." I said.

We stared at each other's eyes again and she saw how I didn't care about it at all. She looked down at her feet. I can't see her expression though.

"Oh? You done playin' with her, senpai? What now, Amasawa? Your senpai has left you already. KUHA." sneered Housen.

Amasawa still didn't move but I could hear her heavy breathing. I started to walk away but she grabbed my sleeve and slowly raised her head while her body was trembling. Housen and the others were behind her so they didn't see her face but I could. It was...

"AAAAHH~ SENPAI. YOU'RE REALLY THE BEST. YOU BROUGHT OUT THIS SIDE OF ME... AHN~" So should I be happy about you making a face with a large blush and a wide smile while sticking out your tongue along with narrowed eyes and steam coming out of your face?

I changed my expression to a cold one like looking at an unusable material. She smiled even wider. What is this? What the heck is she doing now?

Ichika slowly raised her right hand with her fore finger and middle finger forming a V. She then moved it near mouth and stuck her tongue out more.

"Ah~ I wonder if you wanna do that now senpai~ I would love to do it with you now." she said.

"..stop that, Ichika." I glared at her more as I was not in the mood.. yet. I could feel my libido being released so I stopped her before I pounce at her lovely body.

Ichika just drooled more.

"..What are you doing, Amasawa?"
Another first year who was in the back said. She was talking with Nanase at the back. A girl with light blonde hair and purple eyes. Tsubaki Sakurako.

Before she could see Ichika's face, I hug Ichika to cover her unsightly yet beautiful expression. I don't want it to be shown in public as well. Fortunately, no one else saw her face earlier because I was standing in front of her, I covered what the security camera, on a pillar, could see. Just how many did that Tsukishiro add?

"Ichika, can't you stop making that face."

"Ah~ no senpai. You're just too amazing after all."

". . ." I stayed silent as she tries to hug my torso.

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