Chapter 23 : Obstacles and Affections II

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Previously on NSSH:

I was now about to go back to my room. I wasted about 30 minutes walking around so it was still 1 pm. I hope they were still there. I need to apologize. If I really wanna learn emotions, I also need to mind them. I'm slowly learning it, but is it alright for me? My destiny as the one ruler and perfect existence. I've also become softer.

Haa~ I need to work out more. I'm becoming weaker. If I work out more, I atleast could get back to my best physical condition. It would help me when there are emergencies.

At this moment, I suddenly feel darkness looming over me. As if another trouble has come.




Kiyo POV

As I was about to take a turn, a kick was about to come to me. I stepped back and jumped as another kick was sent to the place where I stood. I looked at the attacker and saw Kushida's "kouhai".

Yamagi Takuya.

"What are you-"

I couldn't finish my sentence as he punch my abdomen. I bent myself forwards and then stood back again and lifted what I caught. His fist. I wasn't hit but still it was fast enough to hit me if I didn't see his arms
tense up earlier.

"So what are you doing, Yagami?"

"Oh~ senpai is really strong. I'm glad you're not weaker than me. If not, I would be angry that I was rejected by her. Hmm."
He said as he smiled while nodding his head.

Her? Rejected? Who?

"Ah, you don't need to know her senpai. Once I beat you, she's gonna choose me then instead. Hehe." He was still smiling even though I've been holding his fist tightly.

I clenched and squeezed it in my hand as a crack was heard. I only did minimal damage to not leave him too incapacitated.

"Try it if you can but don't think targeting me is easy as just tag, Yagami. I'll destroy all of you in the next exam."

I said strongly reminding them that I won't be defeated by them. I was strangely angry or irritated by them. He made a pained expression and bent his knees. I released his fist and bounced on my feet as another kick was sent near my pelvis.

He stood up and did a reverse kick and I dodged. I couldn't move anymore as I could be cornered if I went too close to the wall.

So, I crossed my arms upwards to receive his drop kick. It was almost as strong as Albert's full force. I knew he would be strong but to think he would be stronger than Albert, in control anyway. I casually threw him off as he also did a jump spin using the force I used on him. He smiled at me and walked off.

That was troublesome. Luckily, people already knew my strength and now there was only about a few students here as well. They probably thought it was a scuffle between love rivals after Yagami said the matter.

I walked off to the direction of my dorm as well.


I thought about the person Yagami was talking about.

He said her.

There are two possibilities. Kushida Kikyou or her, the WR enforcer. It is confusing as iI do not have a proof she is a girl or he is a boy except for the girlish letter sent to me. Plus Nanase's warning last time as well. Both possibilities were likely. They may have shifted the hate they have for me to manipulate Yagami.

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