Chapter 22 : Obstacles and Affections I

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Previously on NSSH:

"What are you guys doing here?"
I said while still holding the doorknob.

"Can't you just open this door so I could smack your face, you jerk."

"Fufu~ don't mind her Kiyo-kun. I'm just here for you to take care of me."

Eh? Did Sakayanagi-rijichou plan this? He's really annoying, but still he's helpful so I can't just curse at him. How did he even call them so fast?

"..I told you we'll meet tomorrow anyway. Why are you even here this early?"

"I didn't know you were so lazy to wake up this late, Lazytaka."

Really Suzune? Now this is annoying.

"Hiyori-nee, Kiyo-kun is bullying us." Arisu said.

I can't believe she knows how to act like that. I'm betting she's smirking right now. Wait- Hiyori? Hiyori is there?




Kiyo POV

I opened the door quickly when I realized Hiyori is there. When I opened the door, I got pushed by two pairs of slender arms. They then closed the door after getting in. Realizing I've been tricked, I ignored them and went to the bed.

"Fufu~ are you really sad that Hiyori-san is not with us Kiyo-kun?" Arisu asked.

Obviously, I need Hiyori-nium.


I just continued reading my book while lying down. I was wondering why they've been silent after 10 minutes but I didn't see them. They clearly didn't go home yet as I didn't hear the door opening and closing again. I went back to reading.

After a while, I felt someone's presence coming close. I ignored it but the person jumped or more like climbed on to me and sat on my stomach.

I'm grateful you sat down there but couldn't you have gone lower a bit, Arisu?

"Fufu~ did you want me to sit here Kiyo-kun?" she asked as she went to hover above my nether pole.

"Not really." I answered calmly.

"Oh really? ~ Fufu.. Eeeyy!" she replied and little sat on it.

Unfortunately, I can't see my own face, my own expressions. But there's one thing I'm sure of. It's that something as trivial as this can't shake my heart. There should be no emotions seeping out.


I'm having quite a dilemma inside my head right now. I know Hornykouji would be useful but..

Fine. I wanna experience this too.

I sit myself down and hold Arisu's lithe body. Arisu was just smiling while blushing looking so smug yet genuinely happy about this.


Oh, what a cute moan.

"Are you okay, Arisu?"

"Uh..Mmmn. it's just your.. " she said shyly while having pink flush over her face.

Uh. It's totally a boy's thing.

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