Chapter 28 : Demonic Paragons I

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Previously on NSSH:

"Ichika. Kindly explain yourself." Suzune restrained herself from getting angry. If this is really gonna be good, then she will let it happen but still half of her didn't want to even if it was 'good'.

"I will~ I will~" Ichika then snapped her fingers three times.

"You can join us, Shizu-nee." Ichika grinned.


"Ara~ I'm glad you joined us, ane-sama~" Ichika said playfully.

"I can't allow you to do, Ichika. Kiyotaka will develop your 'ability'." 'Shizuku' calmly said.

"Now. Now. Let's not be hasty~ We should get out of the room first~ Senpai will take more time to break after all~"

"Humans are tools. Sacrifices are necessary so is my power." muttered Kiyo.

"Tch. Let's go then. I don't wanna hear this guy's mutterings." Mio said. She was clearly hurt but covering it with her usual 'tsun' attitude. She grabbed Hiyori's hands as she let her hug her arm.

"Then, let's go to the school clinic!"

Ichika spoke loudly as she opened the door. The girls were confused even 'Shizuku' but they just thought it was because Sora was also there.

They made their way to the school clinic while racing with time.

The time for the ticking bomb of a beast.





"So why are we here again?" asked the 'fearless' Mako.

"Yeah. Aren't we gonna discuss about Kiyotaka?" asked Haruka. She used his real name unconsciously as the tension was still present.

"Chika-chan, are we gonna start or what?" asked Chiaki.

"No rush~ no rush~" said Ichika while drinking a bubble tea.

Slurp~ Slurp~

Not wanting to wait, Mio asked loudly, "Why don't we start without her then?"

Though it may have sounded insensitive, her voice was actually filled with desperation.

"Mio, don't talk like that. Chika-chan also wants to save Kiyo-kun. Right Chika-chan?" asked Honami.

"Hmm?~ No. Not at all~" said Ichika without any hesitation.

"Eh? You... don't...?"

Two girls grew a cold smile on their faces but one of them immediately withdrew it.

"Ah~ I give up. You do what you want." said Mio who lied down on the bed.

"Ma~ma~ we should wait for Sora-chan to arrive as well." said Shizuku aliased Ayaka.

Ichika grinned but for a different reason.

"Right? We should wait for Sora-nee to arrive." Ichika took a peek at Shizuku's face but found nothing but beauty.

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