Rainbow Dash got the most votes by one vote so this is her chapter. PLEASE ASK. Happy Chinese New Year. Sorry I didn't update last night. The internet wasn't working. Comment who you want to see next. Hope you enjoy.
Pinkie Pie: Put your hoofs on the floor for everypony's favorite rainbow maned pony, Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash: Thank you! Thank you! *plops herself on couch*
Pinkie Pie: Ok Dashie. Here is your first question from horrorfan76. When Twilight helped you with the Sonic Rainboom did you know you could do that?
Rainbow Dash: Who said Twilight helped me? If anypony helped me it would be Fluttershy. I already knew I could do a Sonic Rainboom because I was the first pony to ever show that the legend was true. I did it back when I got my Cutie Mark.
Pinkie Pie: Here's another question about your Sonic Rainboom performance from clickthetechnerd. How did it feel to get your act taken over by Rarity?
Rainbow Dash: It was humiliating! But on the brght side, I didn't want to perform because I was so nervous, but in the end I have thank her. I wouldn't of been able to do a Sonic Rainboom if she didn't fall.
Pinkie Pie: BronyShawna246 asks, "What would you do if you had no wings?"
Rainbow Dash: I would probably have a different Cutie Mark. Maybe I would be really fast on the ground. I wouldn't be weather pony anymore, and I would have to live on the ground. No way am I doing that.
Pinkie Pie: Nightmare Moon has come back and killed everypony except you, Derpy and Doctor Hooves. You either have to save one or you all get killed. Who would you save? (TaraD_101)
Rainbow Dash: Hold on a second. Who would Nightmare Moon kill ponies? Doesn't she wasnt eternal night? So she would want ponies to see her night. Right?
Pinkie Pie: Just answer the question.
Rainbow Dash: I guess Derpy. Although she can be annoying, I don't really know Doctor Hooves that well.
Pinkie Pie: Next question is from panda0484. Why are you so awesome?
Rainbow Dash: I don't know. Just born with it I guess. The doctor said I had 20% more awesomeness than most ponies do.
Pinkie Pie: So that explains it. Anyways, gamerluna2031 asks, "If we were to meet, would you show me some of your flight tricks?"
Rainbow Dash: Maybe. I don't want anypony getting hurt.
Pinkie Pie: TaraD_101 wants to know if you've been in the Rainbow Factory.
Rainbow Dash: I have. Not the one in the facfiction though. That doesn't exsist.
Pinkie Pie: You got another question from BronyShawna246. Has anypony beaten you in a race.
Rainbow Dash: Up in the sky, of course not, besides Spitfire. Here on the ground, Applejack can give me a run for my money.
Pinkie Pie: What do you think of rainbow flavored choclate? (counsuelbarra39)
Rainbow Dash: That must be some really spicy choclate.
Pinkie Pie: And no way am I trying it. You got a question from unicorn4lyfe_. Doyou live about Ponyville?
Rainbow Dash: I do.
Pinkie Pie: Here is an odd one from Jet_the_Pegasus. Rainbow Dash, I am your number one fan. What are your thoughts on Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo shipping or Scootadash?
Rainbow Dash: Hang on a second while I go barf my guts out! You guys went so low to shipping me with Scootaloo? Seriously? Like Twilight said with Spike, Scoots is like a lil' sis to me. I will NEVER like her in that way.
Pinkie Pie: Here is your last question from Fanlord1987. If you had to be a unicorn or and Earth Pony, which one would you be?
Rainbow Dash: An earth pony. Don't want to have to deal with all that fancy magic stuff.
Pinkie Pie: PLEASE ASK and submit who you want to see next.
RandomAre you a Wattpad fan, a brony/pegisister and always wanted to ask any pony a question? Well, this is the perfect place to do it! There will be two questions in one chapter and no dares! Now that the rules are done, ready to have some fun? Click the...